It looks like the failure might be caused by missing or misplaced font files:
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/conchars', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_console', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_sbar', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_notify', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_chat', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_centerprint', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_infobar', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_menu', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user0', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user1', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user2', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user3', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user4', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user5', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user6', it will not support as many characters.
Failed to load font-file for 'gfx/font_user7', it will not support as many characters.
That error comes from here:
if(!Font_LoadFont(fnt->texpath, fnt))
Con_DPrintf("Failed to load font-file for '%s', it will not support as many characters.\n", fnt->texpath);
Skimming through the font code, OpenGL isn't involved in font loading.
I see a number of "broken driver" lines, which relate to missing functions in MiniGL. MiniGL may be advertising certain extensions and then failing to provide function pointers to them (via glGetProcAddress(), or something like that). AFAIK, the game engine should work just fine without those.