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Joined: 2007/9/6 1:39 Last Login
: 2009/6/11 15:44
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I know the list could be long (I should make a survey), which programs are needed RIGHT NOW ;).
I would say that:
Firefox and, OpenOffice would give A LOT more live for ANY Amiga. Since we had a lot of "funny" programs which works VERY well.
And one think, this DON'T have to be Firefox and OpenOffice it self but who will write this kind of programs... nobody.
How many of you could BUY good web browser, office software? I think there are people who could easily BUY it. I would for like $150, BUT functionality should be good...
About my linuks I'm using PC... so I don't know you want to listen about my config? ;). My PC it's to new for Linux :(, after loading kernel (from CD), computer doesn't see the CD-rom any more :(... (nothing help... maybe you :)...
And this is good example what can you do with hardware when you don't have software NOTHING, even if it has 27000 MIPS ;). I so happy and grateful for people who create any (software and harware) for amiga...
I have no any idea about programing (no maybe BASIC ;) )... is it really soooo hard to write a good browser for amiga... (this is for me MAIN problem)... since when I would like to show Workbench (even on UAE) so people ask, what about www... and that I can show them... NOTHING (since Ibrowse, Voyager, AWeb... are basically DEAD... good that this forum is "supported" ;), and how long we spend browsing :D.
Today we use www for email, youtube, java games ;), forums, to shop, to order and pay for something