just had to replace 'System" with my boot name..mind you if the installer would have just put Sys instead there would have been no issue
You probably should follow that good advice yourself, i.e. refer to SYS: instead of your specific boot volume name in your User-Startup (since you went in and fixed it anyway).
But I'm wondering about another thing: Was it really an installer that created that line in User-Startup? I'm guessing you are referring to the Enhancer installer, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't put anything into User-Startup about Power Prefs. Maybe you have put that line in yourself, taken from a thread on one of the forums (maybe a year or two ago?) where it was discussed? And maybe someone in that thread made the mistake of writing System: because that was what his boot volume was called? And then you just copied the line?
Just a theory, of course.
Best regards,