Swisso wrote:
I am glad they were able to send somebody since all the other main companies will be represented bar one and am looking forward to meeting him at the show.
Hi Swisso,
This reflects the utter contempt that that
certain "bar one" company shows toward the community and AOS4.x.
What, they couldn't spend $10,000 to attend?, because hey, they're SURE they're going to win in court, then, then, then, who the heck are they going to sell this thing to OTHER than
everybody attending Pianeta Amiga!!!!
So, they hide, but they're soooooo sure of themselves that they'll get it.
What are they going to do with AOS if they get it? The same they've done for the last 7 years and 9 months, absolutely NOTHING!
After all Amiga DE, which they still promote, seems no one on the planet is interested in, one iota. They're not going to put ANY money into AOS4.x, just do the same thing over again, ask someone external to develop it, FOR WHOM!?