I see that in
https://github.com/AmigaPorts/SDL-2.0 you have now modified things so that a build will generate SDL3 names. Are you sure this is the best approach and will not cause confusion? Why not create
https://github.com/AmigaPorts/SDL-3.0 ?
Many things to comes wrt. porting will still use SDL2, it means that people will have to clone your branch and checkout a previous commit ID to get the latest and greatest SDL2 libraries.
I just thought I would raise this now.
Thanks for all your work and all those involved in making SDL possible for Amiga in the first place!
Actually, I notice that the change to SDL3 names happened in:
commit 25239ae8c89da2412032722a4c0e2418af9c289c
Merge: 7cd688fae 0f9482ebc
Author: capehill <juha.niemimaki@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Dec 3 20:07:34 2022 +0200
Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL into libsdl-org-main
This means that you (@capehill) did nothing more than merge in their changes. I am surprised they are not creating a separate branch though. I guess there is a reason!
Woah, I am really confusing myself.
I think SDL2 is specifically on your branch: "SDL2". "main" is just SDL3 since December last year.
Understood, thanks.