A friend of mine bought me some used AD&D books a week ago. When he told me it's origin, I had to ask the guy "hey, did you get these from a garbage can", and he couldn't say they weren't, so I threw them away.
He buys and sells odds and ends, but I found out he gets stuff from the garbage too..... It's COMPLETELY put me off of used merchandise.... I was usually against it anyway, but there are things you just CAN'T buy new anymore, right? (Like the original set of AD&D books.)
[slightly OT]
I disagree. If one doesn't use all the A1s (s)he owns, idle ones should be sold.
I also disagree with throwing out useful books (actually the most used book here is mathematical handbook I actually found lying near the grabage can, not the mint condition, but put nicely on the pavement near the can).
You'll be amazed how many old useful stuff libraries put on sale.
And one can buy great used electronics from stereo shops that do trade-ins (bought an amplifier that was still sold new for less than half the price.
And the PC I'm going to use as HTPC here was actually given to me for free (I believe it was to rot in the cornere or thrown away by the previous owner), added to it a quiet PSU, used it untill got my A1 fixed and now building the HT)
[/slightly OT]
Bottom line: if you have spare A)S4-capable hardware - sell it.
If you want AOS4-capable hardware - hunt the used ones down!!!