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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I agree, be dammed anything else, lets just get this whole legal mess done,
over with and ended... let the companies who have *delivered* survive,

And I list Hyperion/ACube as having not only shown but delivered,
hell I am personally sorting out funds to buy a sam440 when it becomes
available whether AmigaOS4 is part of the package or not

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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Yes, the wheels have fallen off. But not only regarding the court case.
Everything has sunk to a new low. Everytime I think that it can't get worse, it still does.

Maybe it's time to forget about it once for all. It's to depressing and I can't take it anymore.

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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I forget, was it Hyperion or Eyetech that originally got this whole A1/AOS4 thing together?

No, no, no,! Let me correct myself. That was Amiga, Inc. who licensed the hardware development to Eyetech (after which Mai Logic went belly up, suspending that development and production) and the development of the OS to Hyperion and was prepared to license more hardware once a final version OS was released. But then you run into the problem of someone refusing to release a final version OS until they were threatened with court proceedings.

Without Amiga, Inc. none of you would even have A1's or AOS4 in any version.

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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Totally Disagree, Amiga Inc were not interested in releasing OS4. They were more interested in thier Amiga anywhere.

If it had not been for Alan Redhouse and Ben Hermans piling the pressure on Amiga inc, We wouldn't have even got OS4.

I remember speaking to Fleecy, Alan and Ben about all this back at the great WOASE show of 2002.
Some photos of the event to jog people's memory

Mikey C

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.
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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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And like a true Outcast...

I kept out of all of em !!

Are we nearly there yet ?
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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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It's been so long the cement has cured?

I can't believe there's even one Amiga Inc. supporter out there.

Those dummies at Amiga Inc. Where's their AOS5.0? They don't need ANY source code from 4.x to proceed, as they've stated it's been worked on for 2 years now....

And where's that mythical G5 ACK HW???

Surely THAT could be released with AmigaDE (the awesome)?

And they NEVER explained what all the LYING behind the Kent Arena was all about....

So, they simply make fantastic announcement after announcement, and pay lawyers aplenty.

They were tooo busy to appear at Pianeta Amiga? HA!

Well, their time is up at the final dropping of the gavel, whenever THAT is...

Long live Hyperion's AOS4.x!

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hurry up and wait.....

(At least it's hilarious to see Amiga Inc. waste a truck load of cash on a case they CAN NOT win!!! !!!)

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I'm also in total disagreement with you regarding Bill McE's intentions
and the AmigaOS we know.

In the early days, he was telling everyone that would listen about how
DEAD the old OS was and that he and Fleecy were going to lead us
forward with their new ground breaking vision.

The fact that a third party came to Ainc offerring to give them money
to put out OS 3.9 was granted like throwing a bone to the Classic Amiga
dogs... err... "community".

The OS4 deal was yet another source of funding for Bill McEwen's Amiga
Anywhere fantasies.

Yeah, without Bill and his disregard for the Classic OS, he would never
have given Hyperion permission to make OS4. We owe him that much.

Even more so, I'm sure Bill never envisioned his AmigaAnywhere would
have come to such a dismal end and the revived Classic OS come to be as
highly valued as it appears to be today.

Ain't life interesting?


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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I've read PDF #75 upto page 11, and it just keeps looking worse and worse for all the "Amiga" companies (and litany of lawyers) in court against Hyperion Entertainment VOF!!!!

This lawyer, Mr. William A. Kinsel (who I spoke to briefly) is sooo excellent.... The law firm(s) fighting him will be so disgraced when they lose.... Well, how CAN they win having accepted such a futile case just for the dough?

(I sincerely feel that Mr. Kinsel actually understands and sympathizes with Hyperion on what's being attemped against them here.)

And, the humilation of the "personalities" in the "Amiga" company trenches, when the dirty laundry is exposed.... HAH! This WILL make "The Wall Street Journal" and CNN!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Have the Wheels Fallen Off? (AId vs. HE)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hi @Atheist

I learned the new refernce from --TVGuide-- :
Q. What is jumping the shark?
A. It's a moment. A defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak. That instant that you know from now on...it's all downhill. Some call it the climax. We call it "Jumping the Shark." From that moment on, the program will simply never be the same.

When Inc and Hyperion went to court, Amiga jumped! :-/
It's all downhill and wheels falling off!

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