You hit the keys again this month. Really great post and very informative. Thank you
In summary, a little something happens within AmigaOs4.1 and by that I don't mean the Qemu story.
Unfortunately I'm a bit disappointed, I would have liked a little more for AmigaOs4.1, especially for Christmas, perhaps Enhancer Software 2.x or AmigaOs4.x as an update with new functions. A bug fixes release would also have been in order. New versions of DVPlayer/TuneNet/Emotion or other commercial software that is still available for purchase.
Edited by Maijestro on 2023/12/30 18:20:03
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
In the section about the new release of Qemu 8.2 there is only information about Pegasos 2 and AmigaOne XE machines. Information about Sam460ex was missing. This emulation of the machine in Qemu is the oldest on which you can run AmigaOS 4.1. It is further developed. Recently there is even work in progress to make it run faster. The maintainer of all three machines in Qemu is Zoltan Balaton.
In the section about the new release of Qemu 8.2 there is only information about Pegasos 2 and AmigaOne XE machines. Information about Sam460ex was missing. This emulation of the machine in Qemu is the oldest on which you can run AmigaOS 4.1. It is further developed. Recently there is even work in progress to make it run faster. The maintainer of all three machines in Qemu is Zoltan Balaton.
That's right, but at the moment the machine cannot be recommended, it would not reflect what is possible with AmigaOneXe/Pegasos2 and AmigaOs4.1.
Of course, the machine would be best suited for Qemu because everything works out-of-the-box with Qemu, no longer even BBoot would be necessary, although BBoot has improved booting enormously compared to the original firmware use.
Balaton Zoltan was already mentioned in the blog that he made the whole thing available for us. But we're already getting off topic, sorry.
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
I am waiting on a cable from China to arrive in January so I can add a 2nd video card to my X5K as I plan on installing MorphOS to use this new 2nd video card that arrived. Need a special cable to make it all happen so now I wait. Once it arrives, and with some help and cheerleading from Skatman, I hope to have a dual boot X5K in January.
I will video some of that so I can remember what is done to make it all happen.