I can boot without starup sequence but no whit it.
Ask me what is needed
Boot without S-S, then type "CD" (without quotes) and
press Return. You will get the info about the current
directory. When this is not the bootable partition
where you installed the OS4Final Workbench files,
you tried to mix kickstart and WB versions which dont
match, adjusting the boot priorities with Media Toolbox
should fix it.
When its the right directory, type "Set Echo ON" (without
quotes), press Return, type "Execute S/Startup-Sequence"
(without quotes), press Return, watch what happens and
report where it hangs. You can also use "Set Interactive ON"
as first command when you want to be asked for confirmation
of each command before it is executed, then you can even
skip commands when you know in advance they wont work.