Hi all
So I've got my cross compiler set up so can now look at simplegit again. So I have it forked at
https://github.com/billyfish/simplegit/ and
https://github.com/billyfish/simplegit/blob/master/build.md explains the different build options I added and these were things like which c runtime library to use, which libgit2 directory to use, whether to link to the AmiSSL shared library, etc.
I can double track which revision it was that libgit2 moved from using straightforward memory copies to using mmap () and munmap () but it will now be a few years ago. So if we want to use the latest libgit2, we'll need implementations for those or workarounds
libgit2 also comes with an example client, lg, which is what I built in the past.
I'll take a look at the current state of play in libgit2 in the next day or two and see how many calls there are to mmap () and munmap () and adapt the build process to be able to use clib4 too