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Joined: 2023/6/27 0:59 Last Login
: Today 11:30
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So, not sure if I just inadvertently discovered a bug, of if I'm not understanding the boot process quite thoroughly enough.
For reasons I'll go into later, I decided to test some different versions of "ehci.usbhcd". I figured, I've got a rescue boot USB stick so it's can't hurt? Right? Wrong!
We're in "SYS:Kickstart" for all of the following...
So I renamed "ehci.usbhcd" to "". I copied in an older version of "ehci.usbhcd" and rebooted. I wasn't desperately surprised to find the older file from the installer CD gives errors and leaves me without keyboard or mouse since USB is the only option. No worries, thinks I, I'll just boot my rescue USB stick. Again, WRONG!
Yep, the system boots from USB and uses all of the stuff off the USB. For the most part. The USB is "ADHD0", normal is "DH0" (I think), actually I should check that, but I think it is. The priority for the USB is higher, so it does boot this disk, and I can tell that it has because different backdrop, resolution, sound effect on startup, everything basically different. With one exception. It's still using the "new" (old) USB driver and my keyboard and mouse still don't work. Oops!!
This seems like a bug to me? I checked my USB stick under emulation and sure enough, it's the USB driver from 2021 so that should be what's used when I boot from the USB stick, shouldn't it? But nope, the system is somehow finding the one from DH0 and using that.
That leaves me very confused and sad. Fortunately, now we have OS4 under QEMU, it was trivial to remove the SSD from my X5000, attach it to my laptop via a USB adapter, boot an emulated Pegasus system and rename the file back. So I'm out of trouble.
OK, why was I doing this in the first place? Well I'm getting fed up with the USB timeouts and boot issues caused by it (slow boot basically) and was just curious to see if there was a point between the Jan 2021 driver that works with all the timeouts and the install CD that doesn't work that might not suffer the timeouts and issues.
Given the hassle of removing the driver every time I get to the point "nope, still no better" I'm not sure I'll bother! At least until I've setup FTP access to the SYS partition!