I have a question about file handling in QT6.
Are you going to use the native AOS4 dialogs for file handling or should file handling be done with Qt?
In order to have the Amiga name displayed in the AOS4 interface, it is simple.
You can change this in qfilesystemmodel.cpp- >QString QFileSystemModelPrivate::displayName(const QModelIndex &index) const
In order for Amiga files to be displayed correctly in qfiledialog.cpp, I had to add code to QT to handle it (similar to Windows). I have tentatively managed to do this, I still need to finish it.
However, I noticed that the native AOS4 file handling windows are faster. I have added the code from QT4 (print to pdf dialog)
I'm asking because I don't really know what your plans are on this topic
here you have a movie test only with the change of ‘displayName’ , test2 with support for AOS4 paths
video ->
https://youtu.be/5QH_IK8EX-kThanks for your help and guidance