C:Copy with defaults isn't usable, if
https://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/AmigaOS_ ... OS_Command_Reference#COPY is correct it still copies the files in tiny 100 KB parts (on SFS partitions with a block size of 512 bytes).
Especially when copying large files something like "C:Copy BUFFER 10240 ..." (5 MB parts) should be
much faster.
May not be such a big problem with NGFS as AFAIK it's using 16 KB or even 64 KB blocks, which would be 3.125 MB or 12.5 MB parts with the default BUFFER 200.
For SFS partitions it's important to use a lot of file system buffers, much more than the default used when creating partitions.
At least 5000 (* 512 bytes = 2.4 MB RAM), but it depends on the partition size and especially the number of files and directories on the partition.
NGFS may be much faster with too few buffers, because of it's larger block size.
Except for copying large files NGFS should be faster for nearly all operations. It's not only an about 20 years newer file system design, SFS was created when the average partition size was only a few 100 MB and doesn't scale well to partition sizes of several GB or even TB, NGFS uses the new vector port file system API.
SFS doesn't which means dos.library has to convert the arguments and results of each file system call to/from the old packet API, which can be a large overhead if there are a lot of small operations done.