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Re: Video editing software
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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For years I have hoped there would be a simple but effective video editor software for AmigaOS. If you look on YouTube for videos about a now abandoned NewTek editor called SpeedEDIT you'll see a marvelous style of interface that is not really replicated elsewhere. It combines the tiles of the original versions of iMovie with the timelines of everything else. I paid NewTek a whole thousand US dollars for that software, only to see them take it off the market not so long after. Ugh.

Simple and no-nonsense but with some power and elegance is the way to go with a NLE. For heavy hitting, now I have Davinci Resolve, but I'd love to do some easy stuff on on AmigaOS machines.

VideoClipper is a very nice effort that I used some years ago. I'm not sure it can be called full fledged, but nonetheless useful and appreciated. I'll get back to it as soon as I get my computer room back together.

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Re: Video editing software
Home away from home
Home away from home

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For years I have hoped there would be a simple but effective video editor software for AmigaOS. If you look on YouTube for videos about a now abandoned NewTek editor called SpeedEDIT you'll see a marvelous style of interface that is not really replicated elsewhere. It combines the tiles of the original versions of iMovie with the timelines of everything else. I paid NewTek a whole thousand US dollars for that software, only to see them take it off the market not so long after. Ugh.

Simple and no-nonsense but with some power and elegance is the way to go with a NLE. For heavy hitting, now I have Davinci Resolve, but I'd love to do some easy stuff on on AmigaOS machines.

Are there any modern video editors that still have a story-board style UI? While that is easier to get started, it gets messy quickly when you have multiple layers on top of each other.


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Re: Video editing software
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Although there are obvious issues with data protection etc, it would be interesting to see how usable the online editors are for simple projects.

It would be very interesting to see how close we could get to porting OpenShot.

I imagine that for a modern editor, our biggest problem would eventually be our lack of RAM for large files

Happiness is mandatory
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Re: Video editing software
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I don't know of any modern NLEs with storyboard interface and would not ever want to give up the power of the timeline. But the unique thing about SpeedEDIT was that it had BOTH and kept both visible and updated at all times.

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Re: Video editing software
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double post

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Re: Video editing software
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I see the value of both! While timelines make a lot of sence when your going second by second, but the tile view is more useful when your looking at the overall project.

For OS 4, it would be great if we had smaller programs focused on each of the areas. Like stand alone media organizer, clipper, audio editor, and video stitcher.

VideoClipper has the clipper part solved.

A stitcher which could connect video files, images, text, audio overlay, with transtions seams to be the tool folks are asking for here.

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Re: Video editing software
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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That issue but be here on the site as twice things double posted on me in the last week or so.

Like the Double Mint Twin girls!


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Re: Video editing software
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I see the value of both! While timelines make a lot of sence when your going second by second, but the tile view is more useful when your looking at the overall project.

Timelines or tile views are nice but, unfortunately our systems are probably to slow to do those kinds of implementations. That's why I just do a list "timeline" (Top to bottom of list) in VideoClipper. Look how long it takes just to generate the start and end frame pictures. Imagine having to do that for every entry in the video list and doing it each time the start time changes. I thought about adding mini pictures in the list but I think it's to slow.

For OS 4, it would be great if we had smaller programs focused on each of the areas. Like stand alone media organizer, clipper, audio editor, and video stitcher.

Media Organizer is missing but I just organize my pictures using directories. Might be nice to have one though.

VideoClipper has the clipper part solved.
A stitcher which could connect video files, images, text, audio overlay, with transtions seams to be the tool folks are asking for here.

VideoClipper has the clip and stich parts at least partially covered. A lot can also be done with ffmpegGUI. Text can be added to videos with SimpleSub. I'm investigating adding text to individual clips and new transitions to VideoClipper. There is already a settings file in ffmpegGUI to create videos out of an image file, you can add audio as well. This could then be used by VideoClipper.

If you list specific tasks you want to accomplish, I could probably supply ffmpegGUI settings files to accomplish some of it, or let you know how to do it with VideoClipper. They both allow custom commands, so if you know how to use ffmpeg there is a lot more that can be done than the GUI supports. Have you checked out the settings files for ffmpegGUI?

Did you know that ffmpeg/ffmpegGUI can be used with audio files and graphics files?
We also have programs like Rave to manipulate audio files.
What is is you want to do?

Maybe I should start a thread asking what people want to do with their video, audio and graphics files, and provide solutions for how to accomplish it on the Amiga. It would also serve to know what features people might like to see added to current programs, or give ideas on what new programs we might need.

I'm retiring in August of next year and plan to spend more time developing VideoClipper, SimpleSub, ffmpegGUI and maybe even write some new ones. What would you like to see added?

If people are interested in discussing this further, I'll start a new thread. Of course things like port OpenShot or some other big program are not feasible for me, since I'm one person and do all my development on an X1000.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Video editing software
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I see the value of both! While timelines make a lot of sence when your going second by second, but the tile view is more useful when your looking at the overall project.

True, but if someone moves a clip in the storyboard that has multiple layers on top that straddle multiple clips, how should the video editor decide how the clips/objects in the other layers should be moved?

For OS 4, it would be great if we had smaller programs focused on each of the areas. Like stand alone media organizer, clipper, audio editor, and video stitcher.[/quote]

What do you use as Media Organizer on other platforms?


Join Kea Campus' Amiga Corner and support Amiga content creation
https://keasigmadelta.com/ - see more of my work
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Re: Video editing software
Just popping in
Just popping in

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This just came up in my feed. Not sure if it's possible to port but worth a look?



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Re: Video editing software
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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This just came up in my feed. Not sure if it's possible to port but worth a look?


Java? Seriously? Ok, there were some "recent" (in Amiga terms) updates in https://github.com/jaokim/jamiga-jamvm , "only" about 8 years ago, but most of it is 19 years old and AFAIK nothing of it was was ever usable at all, except for some extremely simple and shell only "hello world" kind example programs...

Even Amiga Inc.'s "AmigaOS 5" (aka "AmigaDE", the Elate OS from Tao group), which was based on Java, would have had a much higher chance to be able to run such software

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Re: Video editing software
Just popping in
Just popping in

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@joerg ha. I didn't even look into the code. Stupidly assumed C was used.

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