I agree with others here, don't let his view on things weigh you down.
It sounds like he has been so busy making a living and a life for himself doing whatever he was (self-?)educated to do, that he never really got time to find out how to enjoy "playing" and experimenting, either with the tools of his daily work or for that matter some completely different hobby.
It's something that I have seen happen to some people who make computers and programming their carreer. Maybe in the beginning it fascinates you enough that it can fill not only your working hours, but also your spare time. And then the road to total nerddom is paved and polished.
Then again, databases *are* fascinating ... I spent the last couple of decades of my career getting deeper and deeper into them . But I was lucky enough to have a life as well - and my Amiga interest.
Thanks for an excellent post with lots of food for thought.
It's unfortunate, but I think alot of people think like Dave - retro computing is still fair niche, and not everyone wants to relive the good old days.
My own first programming came from the Atari 130XE manual. Great days.
@daveyw Its not only about retro computing, that can be anything which is hobby and not mainstream and not popular. Just some have no interest in things interest you. I dont understand for example art collectors, but this is their hobby which they can allow and have interest in. The better your life are, the more interests (which not everyone will understand) you have. All in all there are reassons why we share our amiga and os4 interest between us here, and not on bike's show where everyone will give a dim about os4 and claim it worse than stone age :)
Depends how you look at it. Which would you rather use daily? An old Skoda Octavia from the 1960's or a modern Octavia from this century? If all you care about is functionality and comfortability then old machines are obsolete and not relevant any more. Even though they had their times, they are just junk today. But some people still enjoy keeping them working and have fun using them (not daily as that might be impractical just as a hobby) and maybe also have nostalgy for the times they were in daily use and modern. Dave might just be very rational thinking. not caring about anything alse then practicability but that does not mean others who value ideals and nostalgy more cannot have fun using machines that aren't main stream or relevant today. Unfortunately AmigaOS is not viable as a daily use system today, it lacks memory protection, 64 bit and support for most common platforms today but as a hobby and nostalgy it can have a place. You can be stuck in the past, live only for today or try to make the future, it's up to everybody to decide what they like to do.
The new post on the Rear Window blog sheds some light on the development of version 1.7, which has just been released on OS4depot.
Enjoy reading & the new version! And as usual - if you'd like to support my OS4 activities, feel free to buy me a coffee or use the PayPal donation button on my blog site. Thank you!
The new blog post is a bit more personal this time and less about development, but I hope you'll enjoy it.
Your friend is a remarkably unsentimental person. This reminds me of something a history teacher once told us: the past is not behind us, we are standing on it.
This is just like television, only you can see much further.
Thank you for your feedback, and I especially thank those of you who have sent a donation. Your generous support is really appreciated! I don't think I'll spill too many beans when I say that I have already started working on version 1.8, which should finally support recording. Cross your fingers!
@BSzili, @328gts
Yes, seeing how my friend has changed was disappointing. There's a certain grudge in him that I think stems from the fact that he hasn't been able to turn his life into something meaningful. But then again, he gave me a topic for my blog, so...
Just in time for the festive season I've ported two Mahjong games to OS4, which you can now download on OS4depot.net. You can read the story behind the porting on my blog, the Rear Window. Enjoy reading, happy gaming and a Merry Christmas, everyone!
Yes, Lopan is a Shanghai clone, I mention that in the blog. It's simple but plays OK. Shisen-Seki is a bit more fun, but maybe I'm saying that because I prefer the Shisen-Sho type of Mahjong.