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Heretic II is now 'Open Source'
Just popping in
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I just went looking around on the internet and noticed someone has made Heretic II run with tweaked Quake II engine
Heretic II Source Recreation project

And for those who love Star Wars KOTOR there are at least 2 projects to make a SCUMMVM project for running bioware's engine that was used by kotor and some other biodlare games (Available on github).

the two projekts for kotor etc is xorexos github A reimplementation of BioWare's Aurora engine (and derivatives)

reone github Game engine capable of running KotOR* and TSL*

* it is kotor I: and kotor II: The Sith Lords

Edited by trgswe on 2022/5/20 7:07:21
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Re: Heretic II is now 'Open Source'
Just popping in
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Wow that would be so cool to get the games running on amiga ! special Knights of Old Republic.

Heretic 2 i thought already, the multiplayer seem to work on Amiga? it can take up to 32 Players but seems only PvP.

Would it not great to make an light MMO from Heretic2 ?? like you connect with 5-6 Friends Multiplayer but fight some Monsters and 1 Big Boss together. Like a Dungeon you do PvE that would be really something on Amiga an MMORPG !

Like the Systems is all there Monster in SinglePlayer, then the Multiplayer Function. There just need a big Map, some rooms, Monsters with high Hitpoints. 1 Monster with Extrem high Hitpoints. It is not complete new Game only parts of it in a new Mode.

That would be sooooo nice to get an PvE MMO on Amiga to chill and play with Friends online. Maybe there can be classes like healer, tank, range, mage etc. that would be really the hit. Like a "light" World of Warcraft. Maybe Questing possible together ?

I mean must not be a perfect big MMO just some Dungeons Maps would be already great.

edit : seems to be something like that : https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-heretic ... ic-fortress-thf-v50-final

does this mod run on amiga ?

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Re: Heretic II is now 'Open Source'
Home away from home
Home away from home

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There have been lots of updates to Heretic II in 2024 from Hyperion Entertainment.



Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
and other tools and apps.
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Re: Heretic II is now 'Open Source'
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Yes and it is great, it is really on my
Amiga Wishlist first place.

Just now after Xmas i cant afford it but i cant wait for it and GORKY17 play the Demo and it is such a great GAME ! Extreme good

I hope they make Shogo for 68k and i wish for Tomb Raider (its open source, even playable in modern Browser). Oni would be a nice game too and i really would love RUNE (its a less famous game) but viking 3D Adventure is always good.

I just dont know what Amiga need or cant compile ( think it need OpenGL? and some kind of specific ressource files?! )

But my wishes would be :
Tomb Raider

Edited by manga303 on 2024/12/30 13:16:29
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