Experimenting with hebrew?
The usa_il_ISO-8859-8 keymap has hebrew characters
on the Alt key combinations. However, keymap.library
will refuse to accept hebrew characters when the
destination charset for the keymap does not contain
hebrew characters.
You either need to use an application which tells
keymap.library that the keymap shall be used for
a hebrew charset and not the current system default
charset, or you have to switch the current system
default charset to ISO-8859-8 (hebrew) by selecting
hebrew as first preferred lannguage in the Locale
prefs editor.
Oh, and you need to use fonts which contain hebrew glyphs
of course. E.g. Fixed or DejaVu, but e.g. not BitStream
Edit: The example with the Q key should of course work
without any charset problems. When it doesnt, maybe
your keyboard is broken or has problems with the AOne,
try a different keyboard...