Any info what i need to take care of when exchanging the RadeonHD against a RadeonRX on an x1000?
- any jumpers to change? - do i need to set up new screenmodes and stuff before rebooting with changed setup or can the rx theoretically run with HD stuff at least for workbench screen? - what all do i need to change on software side?
Thanks in advance! (I got the rx in a box since some months)
@Lio,sailor Wait wait! I say remove minigl completely on preparation stage for proper installing of proper drivers (include proper minigl support, of course). You just didnt follow first post close enough :)
This "removing" of minigl at first to be sure you dont have buggy minigl4gl4es, or some older version of minigl. So you remove all this at first and then, install oroper minigl with links above and warp3dnova_bridge (not just warp3dnova, but another driver warp3dniva_bridge). This "novabridge" is for support old warp3d by tranfering from real minigl to warp3dnova.
So, you delete on preparation all old and buggy minigl and install last one and nova bridge, and all minigl stuff will works as before, just faster and buggy less