I am very sorry, but I understand your point of view very well. It is not acceptable to break licenses and especially not to use the work of others for one's own purposes. I didn't write about this on amigans but I also don't do anything related to AO4 anymore because of ‘AmigaKit’. I only put a post on one github once
@walkero Richard Stallman said Free is not Free. The GNU License protects the developer from code theft. It is not possible code theft without the permission of the developer. BMW has tried from them Car Cockpit and now after the court ruling is a platinum member of Linux Foundation.
Amikit it can't legally steal GNU code, it's not PD
I am at a loss for words right now and it is unacceptable what these 2 or 3 parties have just done there just to make a profit for themselves. Zero tolerance towards developers who have invested a lot of time and development in these products for many years.
I also accept your decision according to the circumstances and understand it completely, if I were a developer I wouldn't do it any differently to be able to protect my work. And thank you for enlightening us and explaining why you stopped working on a webkit based browser.
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
@walkero I am sorry and understand your reasons. It is unfortunate case, like geenaam's one. Unfortunately, it is not only limited to Amiga world - as I know RedHad made similar issue with open source.
AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200 AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOne X1000 MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Pegasos II, Powerbook, Mac Mini, iMac, Powermac Quad
Stronger Protection Against Patent Threats In the 17 years since GPLv2 was published, the software patent landscape has changed considerably, and free software licenses have developed new strategies to address them. GPLv3 reflects these changes too. Whenever someone conveys software covered by GPLv3 that they've written or modified, they must provide every recipient with any patent licenses necessary to exercise the rights that the GPL gives them. In addition to that, if any licensee tries to use a patent suit to stop another user from exercising those rights, their license will be terminated.
What this means for users and developers is that they'll be able to work with GPLv3-covered software without worrying that a desperate contributor will try to sue them for patent infringement later. With these changes, GPLv3 affords its users more defenses against patent aggression than any other free software license
According to AmigaKit.com there share their modifications with the AROS team
On two recent occasions we found bugs in AROS. We spent many days finding the solution, found it and then handed all our changes back to AROS team members as soon as we made the changes. The fixes were sent to Terminals and then Deadwood has confirmed receipt and merged our source code. This will be for the benefit of the wider AROS community.
@samo79 There are differences between Open and Open. AROS is Open, but not Free. It's possible for MorphOS and OS3,4 to use the AROS Code without ask right. But if AROS were GNU there are obligate release the entire OS in GNU License.
I'm gutted by this, but fully understand why. I purchased an A600GS -- and I now regret my decision. I very much appreciate everything A-EON and AmigaKit have done for the community over the years, but this is another example of making small improvements on someone else's work and then claiming the total as their own.
Once is a coincidence, twice is maybe a mistake, but over and over is a deliberate pattern. I am very, very disappointed in this behavior, especially since I think Matthew is a great guy. I just don't understand it.
-- eliyahu
"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
Was hoping we would one day see an updated web experience for our beloved AmigaOne computers.
We get some things like AirPrint come our ways that allows these computers to be more usable for every day computing but then we lose a good possibility for something like a newer web browser that would help bring me to turn on the X5K daily.
Unfortunately just means I will continue just periodic use of mine as the less every day stuff I can do on a computer just means I have to get that elsewhere, so that is what I do.
Of course the AmigaOne is just a hobby computer at this point and that is fine, is what it is, and has been this for me for many years now.
I hate to see all the hard work done by George and others not be seen and used in a final downloadable application for us all to use.
Last October we found a timer problem in YAM and have already reported the code fix in the YAM bug reports. Since then we have found and fixed two more bugs- the code changes will be fed back to the YAM repo after the weekend
We previously fixed a Yam timer bug in September last year and immediately fed the code changes back to the mainline Yam bug reports.
Last week we found two important bugs and fixed them for the Yam A600GS.
At no point did we not state that these would not be fed back as we have in the past. Of course they would be fed back regardless of Walkero’s misrepresentations.
Oh and we are not claiming copyright for the entire package. This is another piece of misinformation - we have simply referred to the specific source code that Amigakit is responsible for and will be as we continue development of Yam.
I'm very glad to hear this. It did not seem like you planned on pushing changes back into the public repo based on posts where you mentioned you would provide source to owners of the A600GS on request. I'm glad that was merely a misunderstanding on my part.
Can I assume that any future use of open-source software by AmigaKit will follow this practice of remerging any changes back into public code repositories?
-- eliyahu
"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
@Mattew Its all stinks anyway. Its not only about asking you to include patches back to repo. Its about you taking opensource stuff and pretending it to looks like amigakits one. Like, you always put work of Oliver he did on opensourced amissl to your updater tool, to make it looks like you play any role there. Like its amigakits work, while it not. Lets put in updater dopus5 now ? Or mui ? Or mui classes ? Or copy archives from os4depot into updater and claim it like we only upload, but make a fuzz like its you did the work. Arent you for real cant get what wrong there or you simple take amiga users as a fools for granted ? If you have nothing to release in updater, the last thing any of your customers want to see its reuploading amissl released weeks ago and made a news about.
Then this versioning you stole from hyperion by recreating replacement commands to make it looks like you "continue" to work on originals, to just fool the users, and continue to says that it all allright..
Now this "yam 2.10". Wtf ? Call it your own name at least, but no, you make it looks like its amigakit who did yam or buy it..
I can understand why you do so, but its just omiga1200. Cant wait when you will build old odyssey or dopus5, put there amigakit copyright and claim that all oki doki and you continue the work..
@sailor Quote:
It is unfortunate case, like geenaam's one.
With geennaam's case it was Acubes mistake which they accept, and remove drivers from their preinstalled sams. Even if it was also wrong, case were dealt with. In case with Yam - take for granted Mattew will change nothing in his actions. They maybe will commit back some fix just to shut the ppl, and then silently will do what they want and claim it like they do all alkrught, build foundation and whatever.
Can I assume that any future use of open-source software by AmigaKit will follow this practice of remerging any changes back into public code repositories?
To assume our future actions, we must first consider our past actions over the last two years:
* Amiberry project: AmigaKit developer made several significant improvements and bug fixes to Amiberry have been contributed back to the project. They have been put back into the mainstream Amiberry code and made it into public releases.
* AROS: AmigaKit developer identified two bug fixes to AROS which were sent back to the developers and one at least was confirmed as mainlined
* YAM: Timer bug was identified by AmigaKit developer and code change was fed back on the main YAM bug report Two further bugs and source code fixes were already queued up to be fed back.
When you look at this evidence it doesn’t really fit the narrative that is trying to be portrayed about AmigaKit.
Many people use Updater as their only and preferred way of getting updates. They are grafeful that they can conveniently download packages such as AmiSSL. It is no different to a website such as OS4Depot offering AmiSSL as a download. The entire unaltered package is distributed.
When you look at this evidence it doesn’t really fit the narrative that is trying to be portrayed about AmigaKit.
I am sorry, but what you say is not an evidence. What I mean is that we have only your word on it, since there is no repository with the source code anywhere. How does anyone know or could be sure that you didn't make more changes that were never contributed to Aros, Yam or any other project? I do not have any trust in you.
At no point did we not state that these would not be fed back as we have in the past. Of course they would be fed back regardless of Walkero’s misrepresentations.
Oh yes, you did. You mentioned that the code changes would be given to those who will ask for the source and they have the A600GS system. You even welcomed people to order the A600GS. You even ironically replied to someone Quote:
Sure. We are looking forward to your order.
I still wait to see any proof that you have the licence and approval from the Yam development team that you can make releases of applications with the same name and versioning and that you are the successor of the project. I do not believe you have any and that version of Yam you released is purely FAKE, trying to steal its legacy and its devs work, fooling your customers. Prove me wrong.