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Re: WebKit based browser initiative
Just popping in
Just popping in

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YAM: Timer bug was identified by AmigaKit developer and code change was fed back on the main YAM bug report Two further bugs and source code fixes were already queued up to be fed back.

I looked at the YAM Repo for the contributed changes.

As you mention, you contributed back via reporting issues. Contributing changes in such a way, would be rejected in all major open source project!
At least a patch should be added to the issue, so that the maintainer can easily accept the contribution. On github a Pull Request would even be better.

As you can see that your "contribution" from fall last year hasn't found it way into the repository.

On the entry page of YAM under contribution, the project state that it is sufficient to contribute via issues. But probably because of lack further
development of the team, it hasn't been update to require contribution as PR, etc.

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Re: WebKit based browser initiative
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I can only encourage you to always push changes you make back in to the main project repos, unless the maintainers prefer you to publish your branches separately. Those pushes should take place alongside any releases you might do, and if you intend to keep separate branding/versioning, it would be best not to align with the main project, instead using a different name and versioning scheme.

This is considered best practices with open-source projects. Given just how emotive this is for many potential customers, please consider doing this as a matter of course.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: WebKit based browser initiative
Just popping in
Just popping in

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amigakit wrote:

* YAM: Timer bug was identified by AmigaKit developer and code change was fed back on the main YAM bug report Two further bugs and source code fixes were already queued up to be fed back.

That is not how things work - it should have been fed back via a pull request instead. That is how anybody can openly contribute to open source projects on GitHub and be fully credited for their work too.

The timer bug is completely harmless, but happens to trigger a bug in the A600GS VBLANK timer (number overflow, if I were to guess). It involves birthday reminders, which are getting set too far in the future, so will never be shown. It is as such an extremely minor bug in terms of AmigaOS, but I have yet to look through the commit logs to acertain if the fix is correct or not (it depends on if there is a record of something changing which broke this, assuming it worked once upon a time).

The more recent bug reported today is actually a bug in Zune, not YAM, so it should be fixed in the correct place because it will cause trouble with other MUI applications too - not only YAM.

IBrowse, AmiSSL and Warp Datatype Developer
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Re: WebKit based browser initiative
Site Builder
Site Builder

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So, if I get it right, they Yam fixes are not actually fixes.

But instead of doing proper contribution to the project, and understand if what they changed is actually valuable, the first thing AmigaKit did was to fool their customers that right now they are the successors (so the owners) of the application and with marketing announcements trying to say that they give value to their products.

I don't know if I should keep on being pissed on what they did or should I feel sorry for them because they do not understand how to act inside a community and what they should do with open-source projects.

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Re: WebKit based browser initiative
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I wouldn't quite go that far. The timer issue certainly looks like a mistake was made in code, but ultimately essentially a no-op on AmigaOS. On the A600GS it triggers a stability issue due to something specific to that system. It should be fixed in the main repo, but before a fix can be confirmed, it needs to be understood when and why it broke. Having had a quick look at the diffs, it looks like Jens changed something, which was fine, but then Thore moved things around and somehow merged only some of Jens' changes, which is when it broke. I'd be more inclined to revert Thore's mistake, which is a different way to fix it. Additionally, everywhere that uses the new timer code needs to be checked to make sure no mistakes were made in any other instances.

The more recent fix related to MUIM_GoActive is not a bug in YAM. It is doing nothing wrong and other MUI applications do the same thing. It's a bug in Zune and that should be fixed instead.

IMHO, these fixes are workarounds purely to get YAM running on the A600GS, when in the fact the root cause of the stability issues is actually outside of YAM and has not been addressed.

IBrowse, AmiSSL and Warp Datatype Developer
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Re: WebKit based browser initiative
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks for moving this discussion to a new thread.


Thanks for the follow-up.


Edited by redfox on 2025/3/4 3:39:59
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Re: WebKit based browser initiative
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Removing duplicate post.

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Re: WebKit based browser initiative
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Additionally, everywhere that uses the new timer code needs to be checked to make sure no mistakes were made in any other instances.

I search through and couldn't see any other similar mistakes.

For information the effective time in the "far future" caused a lock up in the AROS timer.device due to a signed comparison in the queue of the event and unsigned comparison in the processing of queue events, which meant the first event in the queue never fires, so no events fired, bring the entire "machine" to halt. I described this bug in detail to the AROS bug tracker and deadwoood fixed it.

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Re: WebKit based browser initiative
Site Builder
Site Builder

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Great work man. Can we now revert the About window as it was and get rid of the AmigaKit Ltd BS in there?

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