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AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
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Just popping in

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I want to reinstall my X5000 and A1222 computers with clean AOS 4.1 FE update 2, just to avoid mess which was caused by Enhancer Software installation and prepare for FE update 3. So I would like to get some opinion what is worth installation from ES 2.2 package? I think is it worth to install: RadeonRX drivers, Warp3D Nova, OpenGL, VA library.

But is it worth to use components which overwrite AOS4.1 FE original files in C, Prefs, Comodities, Datatypes folders? I understand that some of them might have some improvements/fixes to FE original files, however if at some point FE update 3 is released, that will be even bigger confusion.

Thank you

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Wait, an Update 3!

That would be nice.

It is nice to go back to a nice base OS though. I do that every now and then but admit I did that and ended up just installing all Enhancer 2.2 again.

I don't know enough to pick and choose as the installer is doing its thing.

But the ones you mention do seem like ones you want as the graphics drivers are a must if you have the newer cards, etc...

Good luck!


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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Quite a regular
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I think you have captured the important files. There might be some specific drivers for X5000 or A1222. I don't own either system, so I don't know for sure.

In my humble opinion, you don't need anything else from the Enhancer Software 2.2 release unless you want to run software apps that requires it.

In my own case, I own a MicroA1. I have installed a minimum amount of Enhancer Software (basically the equivalent of the Enhancer core).

I would backup your prefs, envarc, s, and libs directories before you do the clean install. There is always something you need later.

Please note a clean install will wipe out everything on your SYS: partition including your existing Enhancer installation and take you back to 2023.

And, yes, I agree that it is messy to reinstall everything all over again. I've done it several times in the last two years. Each time, I install less Enhancer Software.

I personally do not anticipate an Update 3. I'm not a beta tester or developer. I'm just a person who bought an OS4 system many years ago and tries to keep it up to date.


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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I will go just directory by directory, as you have it after you unpack Enhancer archive:


C: dir. Copy only files which you don't have. No overwriting ! There will be not many, but few.

Classes dir: all the _new_ classes only from Gadget dir. Also infowindow.class and images/shared.image. I.e. nothing which will overwrite anything. That to have ability to use not so many, but still, apps which use those classes.

DEVS dir: can be also installed almost all, except Datatypes dir, there better go "one file at time" copy, just to be sure you not overwrite old one.

As a note for both dirs, dont bother to install those "AK" datatypes related things : Warp/OS4 datatypes for all those graphics filetypes from Oliver are faster and better.

Documentations dir: fully can be installed of course.

Firmware dir : also fully can be installed (need it for radeon video hardware accleration and co).

Internet : can be too (just single file)

Kickstart : all can be installed.

L: all can be installed.

LIBS: install all, just one by one, to not overwrite of what you already have. I.e. no datatypes.library overwrite should be done, no z.library overwrite as they originals. And no .zip and no .codesets, as you probabaly may have latest/better version version. General rule - copy all what you not have, and if when copy you will have "replace?" then skip, of course. So only new libs and co.

Locale: if you not in locale stuff and Enlighs lang is ok, skip it all together.

Prefs: There need to be carefull. They have overwrote there some, like Sound.prefs (and they have few bugs in, which wasn't ever fixed, and i tired years ago to asking for). Datatype as well no need it. And also, just nothing which overwrite originals.

SDK : if not in programming stuff skip it (and basically it anyway badly structured and not mantained well).

System: Be sure not overwrite some bits too (for example Format can at first looks more fancy, but it have bugs which original on os4 didnt' have).

Utilities: All can be installed.

But be sure you do it all by hands. No auto install.

Then, you will have clean os4 with bits from Enhancer which not broke your system and you will have best of progarmmers involved in (like work from Hans on 2d/3d drivers, warp3dnova, work of Daniel on ogles2, work of Andy on Multiedit,Multiviewer and XDock, work of Trixie on some classes, and some old and a bit updated tools like AmiDVD, SFS2, Tunenet, etc).

Hope it helps


But is it worth to use components which overwrite AOS4.1 FE original files in C, Prefs, Comodities, Datatypes folders? I understand that some of them might have some improvements/fixes to FE original files, however if at some point FE update 3 is released, that will be even bigger confusion.

To be honest there almost none improvements over originals. Only replicas with bugs. Some was ok (like sound.prefs), if only it didn't have bugs (enhancer's one visually better).

But lately, they switch to their own classes, code of which done to have same code base for os3 and os4 , and , some bits just looks really dated in compare with os4 classes coming in original installs. I.e. some button to press and some titles of some replaced classes looks really dated.

In other words : install all what new, replace nothing, and that will be fine.

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Another gotchya ...

A clean install of AmigaOS 4.1 FE will reintroduce RinghioServer.

If you want to install bits & pieces of Enhancer Software you should delete RinghioServer and replace it with NotificationServer from the Enhancer package.

Enhancer Updater software sends notifications. RinghioServer will display the notifications but does not provide the responses expected by Updater. NotificationServer knows how to respond to Updater.

I know this because I got stung, and Andy Broad helped me sort out this mess.

This is an example of a replacement that simulates the original but provides enhancements required by other Enhancer Software products.


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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I would say that more or less everything has been said, to this I would add PTP for any eventual connections with cameras... the version in the Enhancer package will overwrite the original version of OS4, but in this case it is a real improvement that I recommend installing... if you need it of course!

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I would say that more or less everything has been said, to this I would add PTP for any eventual connections with cameras... the version in the Enhancer package will overwrite the original version of OS4, but in this case it is a real improvement that I recommend installing... if you need it of course!

It seems to me that the original from the system was able to copy both photos and videos. The version with Enhancer only photos, due to which I lost several videos from the camera when I formatted the memory card, being convinced that all files were copied. After this unpleasant experience, I reverted to the original version of PTP.

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I very thankful to everyone for replies, this was very helpful and all my doubts are answered now. Will reinstall soon and hope for FE Update 3 at some point :)

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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LIBS: install all, just one by one, to not overwrite of what you already have. I.e. no datatypes.library overwrite should be done, no z.library overwrite as they originals.

The z.library, expat.library, filesysbox.library and lzma.library are okay to replace (as long as they are newer versions, which they likely will be) as they are based on the same source code as the OS included ones.

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Guys, this is all useful information for me with my new X5000 project. I want to utilize the best of what the Enhancer project offers without losing any mature and stable component of the operating system. And it's the software that most attracts me to this platform, not necessarily the hardware upon which it runs. I realize this might sound strange given how much of this exotic and expensive hardware I have bought!

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hi all,

I would like to be able to do a clean install from a USB stick, so far no problem.

The problem is that I am lost with these updates, there is update1, update2 and update2 hotfix, should I install them?

Then there is also Enhancer software.

Then for the audio card how should I proceed?

I have reinstalled HDMixer and the drives but I can't open HDMixer.

I don't know what is missing is MUI installed by default

I had already done clean installs on my Amga 1200 PPC, but I find it very annoying that on the Hyperion website they mixed the classic version and X5000 it is confusing.

Because the updates are in the same directory.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Regarding Update2 hotfix ... no longer required.

When the original version of update2 was released, it had some problems. Update2 Hotfix was released as a temporary fix for those of us who were already using update2.

The developers went back into update2 and changed it to include the fixed software. The version of update2 on the Hyperion website is the new version containing the fixed software.

So in summary, now you need to install AmigaOS 4.1 FE from the CD disc, then install update1 and update2.

I hope this helps.


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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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In the case that up2hf is installed over the already updated up2, is there any bad effect?

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell.
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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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That is a very good question, but I do not know the answer.

Hopefully, one of the experts will reply.

In my own case, I updated when the original update2 became available and applied the hotfix later when it became available. The hotfix fixed many issues with the original update2.


P.S. I don't know why they left the hotfix downloadable available on the Hyperion Website after they went back and fixed the update2 downloadable. This is very confusing.

Edited by redfox on 2025/3/4 20:53:55
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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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That is a very good question, but I do not know the answer.
No I'm pretty sure it's not a problem, because the hotfix consists of modules with the same versions as was incorporated in the fixed Update2.

P.S. I don't know why they left the hotfix downloadable available on the Hyperion Website after they went back and fixed the update2 downloadable. This is very confusing.
Because there can very well still be people who installed the original Update 2 on some partition without realizing it was "less than perfect". Maybe they haven't used that partition for a while and now want to get it hotfixed. Anyway, the hotfix archive and the fixed Update2 archive were released at the same time as alternatives.

P.S. Don't forget to use AmiUpdate to apply the updates to single modules which were released after Update2 and the hotfix. For a list, see update.amigaos.net

Best regards,


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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks so much for your reply. I appreciate it.


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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks for your answers!

I have advanced in the clean installation of AmigaOS 4.1, I am at the stage of installing my audio card which is more difficult to reinstall.

I am confused with Ahi and mixer, I know that in my current installation, I deleted ahi from the Prefs drawer but that maybe there are files here and there that are still present.

My question is is ahi still necessary, knowing that I have a Sound Blaster Audigy FX audio card?

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Why would you delete the AHI prefs program? Don't understand that.

Anyway, yes, AHI consists of much more. Most of it lives in the Devs drawer/directory. You have the ahi.device itself, plus the two subdirs AHI and AudioModes. And of course if you ever saved the prefs from the AHI prefs prtogram, there will also be a file in Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/ called ahi.prefs.

All of that, if it's still there, will probably work just fine regardless of the missing prefs program, you'll just not be able to adjust any settings.

So get the prefs program back from the installation CD into the Prefs drawer.

I believe the Audigy FX uses the EMU10KX driver, so that's what you will hopefully see in the prefs.

Best regards,


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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hi Niels

After several days of reinstallation, I finally have a clean installation of AmigaOS 4.1 FE.

I reinstalled Enhancer software 2.2 and as long as it has HDMixer ahi is no longer used.

As I install a new thing, I test, validate and save in IMG format.

Now I have to copy all of these to an HD, to see the reaction because I still have small problems.

I have a small white square at the top left with and only CANDI that I normally did not have before.

The startup music crackles, maybe because I am on a USB key?

I will check all this.

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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HDMixer, is that something from Enhancer? I know Candi is.

I thought you were creating a clean OS4.1 installation?

I can't help with those Enhancer replacements, sorry.

Best regards,


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