New score: 8650
Hey Amigans
We need more warriors in this battle! More brave souls to jump in and fight for glory!
So gather around, because here comes a speech to inspire the next champion!
I know what you’re thinking. "If I don’t play A Frog Game, I won’t lose. I won’t embarrass myself. I’ll just sit here and watch."
Aye, you can do that. Run, and you'll live… at least a while.
But playing? Competing? Fighting for the high score? That’s what legends are made of!
And when you’re old and gray, still lurking on Amiga forums, would you trade all the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and fight for glory?
I have claimed the top spot. The throne is mine, for now.
Will you rise to challenge me? Will you make history? Or will you let me sit here, uncontested, feasting on flies while the leaderboard remains unchanged?
The battle isn’t over. It has only just begun.
(Post inspired by Braveheart. If William Wallace can rally warriors, I can rally Amigans!)