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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
Just can't stay away
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lazi wrote:@Maijestro

That "lastdestination" error was concerned the applet only and should be fixed in the current version. (About window shows 06-Mar-25 date)

Ok with their new WormHole.hwa the transfer works both ways and yes it's fast That's cool....

However, I still get an error message on startup.

Resized Image

Seems to be a HollyWood Player problem though ?

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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I have been able to get file transfers both ways.

Will tinker more.


* and yes, same error message at launch of Hollywood but I ignore it.

AmigaOne X5000
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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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Any way to make Hollywood on the Mac OS system to remember where I moved the WormHole too?

After closing, it sticks it in the middle of my screen.

Would be nice if it remembers I moved it to the bottom left of my screen as example.

I see it remembers the Amiga side but the Mac side with the applet nope.

Also, down the road, will more than 2 computers be able to use this meaning if I have 2 Macs and 1 AmigaOne, they all be able to transfer files to the chosen computer?

Maybe a drag and drop but as you drop, a menu pops up allowing you to select which computer gets the file, etc... just an idea.

I will test more so other than the Hollywood error that it can't launch the app in question, which it does, the two way transfer did work for me.



AmigaOne X5000
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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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OSX x86 native version uploaded. Maybe that will sort of the remember position problem.


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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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I just tried this on my M3 Pro Mac (ARM). As per previous messages, the Hollywood player for ARM OS X doesn't run.. it says it is corrupted.. Using the Hollywood player for X64 Mac runs just fine on my M3 Mac! I had no errors at all, and I could easily transfer files in both directions!

This is a great program!

I did just see the message about a native OS X version. I am guessing it is a 32 bit program, as it won't allow me to run it at all.. I am not sure the current versions of MacOS, even on Intel, will run 32 bit code anymore. I seem to remember that they don't.

Thanks for all of your work on this! Let me know if I can help test anything else!

-Slygon (Eric)

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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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I downloaded the new OS X x86, unzipped it, and the WormHole app is showing as 0 bytes, so no app to run.

But as Slygon noted, unsure if it will run on a 64bit OS like many of us have.

My oldest Mac Pro 2013 is a Xeon based as is the new Mac Pro 2019 too, so not sure it would run.

But I did try but the app shows zero bytes in size.


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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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Fixed the archive, please try again!

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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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Thanks for the feedback!
I have just fixed the OSX archive. It should contain an x64 binary, but not tested by me.

I am glad to see it is working for you all!

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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I have just fixed the OSX archive. It should contain an x64 binary, but not tested by me.

I am glad to see it is working for you all!

Thanks for the MacOsX version of WormHole, I have tested your MacOs x86 (intel) build but MacOs tells me ‘The programme “WormHole” cannot be opened. Tested on my MacStudio M1 Max....even though it is an Intel x86 build it should launch via Rosetta emulation.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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WormHole - Easy Amiga OS 4 File Sharing with MANY Platforms - Video
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I am enjoying @lazi application WormHole for Amiga OS 4 to file transfer with my Macs.

Although there is not a running version (as of this writing) for MacOS 64bit to run on my Mac Pro 2019 (that I see), the Hollywood version does work even if a small error message pops up claiming the app did not work.

I have been playing with this since yesterday and although not perfect, does seem to work fine for smaller file transfers like a PDF or JPG, etc... Something one may want to transfer from a work computer to the Amiga and back and forth.

Come see and thank you to @lazi for the nice applications.



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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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Just popping in

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Thanks for the updates!

I got the "Application can't be opened" message too. Not sure why on this one.. I know how to sneak around Apple's current locked security systems, but this doesn't make it that far.


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Re: WormHole - Easy Amiga OS 4 File Sharing with MANY Platforms - Video
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Just popping in

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Great video! Even if you did make me jump a bit... ha!


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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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Unfortunately I forgot to tell that I can't create a valid app bundle on Amiga.
It needs some care.

The executable flag should be set on the binary.

Open a terminal, enter "chmod + ". (Note that there is a space at the end).

Edit: the correct command "chmod +x "

Drag and drop the WormHole file from the WormHole.app/Contents/MacOS folder to the terminal.
Press enter and go back to the app icon.
Start the program from the finder while pressing control.

After this first start, it should work normally.

When WormHole is done, I'll give you a proper package, but until then I only want to touch the Amiga

Edited by lazi on 2025/3/7 21:59:56
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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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lazi wrote:Unfortunately I forgot to tell that I can't create a valid app bundle on Amiga.
It needs some care.

The executable flag should be set on the binary.

Open a terminal, enter "chmod + ". (Note that there is a space at the end.
Drag and drop the WormHole file from the WormHole.app/Contents/MacOS folder to the terminal.
Press enter and go back to the app icon.
Start the program from the finder while pressing control.

After this first start, it should work normally.

I followed their instructions, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me. It still says ‘The programme “WormHole” cannot be opened.

Can anyone else confirm this?

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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Ahh. That's me. Fidgety and scattered

Of course 'chmod +x '

The 'x' means executable.

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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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Also, down the road, will more than 2 computers be able to use this meaning if I have 2 Macs and 1 AmigaOne, they all be able to transfer files to the chosen computer?
Maybe a drag and drop but as you drop, a menu pops up allowing you to select which computer gets the file, etc... just an idea.

There is a 'File/Next hole' menu item to change remote target. It seeks the next WormHole on the network.

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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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lazi wrote:@Maijestro

Ahh. That's me. Fidgety and scattered

Of course 'chmod +x '

The 'x' means executable.

That was the trick it now works without any problems yessssssss

However, WormHole does not remember any settings they are not saved. It is always in the foreground and does not remember the position where it was placed. It would be great if you could add that.

Edit:The transfer rates are incredible, I have never been able to move data from my Mac to my X5000 so fast.

Edited by Maijestro on 2025/3/8 10:38:10
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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So I can try again, I wanted to make sure I understand what I supposed to do in the Mac OS Terminal.

I need to type (without the ') just chmod and then drag the path of the executable into the terminal window and it will paste, then add ONE blank after that and hit return?

What is the exact file in the contents directory am I trying to drag over?

You typed WormHole.app/Contents/MacOS folder but not sure what file is the executable so wanted to be 100% sure before I try.


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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I have already made the changes for you, you can test it.

https://www.mediafire.com/file/geeesf4 ... qf8/WormHole_OSX.zip/file


If you want you can also use the archive for your homepage.

Edit:Because I really like WormHole and because it is much faster than smbfs I sent them a small donation.

Edited by Maijestro on 2025/3/8 18:51:58
Edited by Maijestro on 2025/3/8 18:52:13
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: WormHole: great tool to easily transfer files via LAN
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Not too shy to talk

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My Mac is in the attic, so can't check or make a proper archive at the moment.

I need to type (without the ') just chmod and then drag the path of the executable into the terminal window and it will paste, then add ONE blank after that and hit return?
What is the exact file in the contents directory am I trying to drag over?

The executable is this file: WormHole.app/Contents/MacOS/WormHole
You need to add an executable attribute (or whatever they call it in Apple land) to it.
IIRC it is the terminal command: chmod +x <file>
Maybe the best method is to open terminal, enter 'chmod +x ' and drop the file icon to have the correct path.
Then press enter. Done.


I am still planning to frequently update the program in the next days/weeks, so currently the best OSX option is to handle that executable attribute manually.

In the meantime, I wonder how the program works on OSX.
Do the functions in the settings menu work?
Does overwriting the file works?
How the icon look like? Clapperboard or the swirling image?

I would appreciate an overview!

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