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Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
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Is there any OS4.1 Utility out there that will check the integrity of a HD partition? 3.x has the Disksalv, Hynie's utility for partitions under 4GB. I had to recently use it to fix a two blocks with the same number and wouldn't verify on my A4000T. I have had my X5040 crash a few times and now it is acting funny. For instance when watching a mpeg movie via Emotion, it will be playing slowdown and stop for no reason. If I kill Emotion and try to use the desk top, it freezes. It never did that before. I also get Grim Reapers with "DataStore" as reason sometimes recoverable or not or just freezes. I really want to check the integrity of the HD.

My SAM460LE acts weird too sometimes and I get Grim Reapers too and sometimes you run the same program and does not happen.

Also, when building an OS4.1 system what filesystem should be used? SFS/00, SFS/02 or does it matter? I have built my X5040 and SAM460LE in SFS/00.

Now soon to be building my A1222. I just paid for it as an "Early Adopter". If anybody can give me any advice on building the A1222 correctly, I would highly appreciate it as I only purchased the Motherboard.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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To check SFS\0 partitions you can use SFSCheck from http://os4depot.net/?function=showcon ... driver/filesystem/sfs.lha
PartitionWizard (Enhancer Software) can copy data from a corrupted SFS\0 partition to another one, but it can't repair broken partitions. It can repair FFS (DOS\0-DOS\7) partitions.
There are no tools for SFS\2.

Your X5000 should include NGFS which should be the best file system available for AmigaOS 4.1.

The only differences between SFS\0 and SFS\2 are the limits for the file size (SFS\0: 4 GB - 2 bytes) and partition size (SFS\0: 128 GB).

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
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Good to know. I will try it and see. I did not know about NGFS. I purchased a new Crucial BX500 240GB. I currently have a PNY 500GB but it seems that Amedia was only offering a Crucial 240GB. Could it be a compatibility issue with my 500GB SSD?

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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It says I need Gtlayout.library. I cannot find an OS4 version. I can only find a 68k version on Aminet. Will that work? That was diskSalv only.

I checked and defragged. I had no errors. I guess I need to look elsewhere now.

Edited by amiganuts on 2024/1/7 17:38:14
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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Probably the best filesystem to use on your X5040 is the *unreleased beta version* of NGFS.

The version that was released with OS 4.1 final is pretty broken and not terribly reliable. Apparently, however, there is a beta version that has been developed that is much better. Like I said, it was never released, so you might need to privately ask a beta tester or one of them may PM you after reading this. (Don't ask me, I don't have it either).

It is not backwards compatible with the release NGFS, so if you're starting a new system from scratch, I recommend getting hold of it and using that. I don't know if NGFS works on anything other than X50x0.

I don't know which version A1222 let alone X5040 (I have X5020) ship with; as NGFS was developed by Hyperion I would guess its the original release version.

I use NGFS for my boot partition and SFS/02 for all others - although I believe you can still boot from SFS/02, provided is is enabled in your kicklayout.

I don't believe we should be using SFS/0 on OS4 systems, although joerg is far more knowledgeable than me on this.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I don't believe we should be using SFS/0 on OS4 systems, although joerg is far more knowledgeable than me on this.
SFS\0: Max. file size 4 GB-2 bytes, max. partition size 128 GB. Data recovery tools like SFSSalv (os4depot and Aminet SFS distributions) and PartitionWizard (Enhancer Software) available.
SFS\2: Supports files larger than 4 GB and partitions larger than 128 GB (theoretically much larger, but apparently there are bugs with drives and/or partitions larger than 2 or 4 TB). No data recovery tools available.
No other differences, for example neither format supports the new AmigaOS 4.1 FileSystem API.

=> You shouldn't use SFS\2 but only SFS\0. Except for a single SFS\2 partition for files larger than 4 GB if you need that.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Are there any news regarding PartitionWizard?

My copy still doesn't work, throwing the error:

The process terminated without replying to the Workbench
startup message
this program is probably for CLI use only.

Process"<unnamed process>"
Function "InternalEndProcess()"

Since Updater is notorious not to work properly, and still has faulty entries, I just wanted to ask if I missed something.

PartitionWizard 53.7 (2015-10-26), Enhancer 2.2.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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The only differences between SFS\0 and SFS\2 are the limits for the file size (SFS\0: 4 GB - 2 bytes) and partition size (SFS\0: 128 GB).

If that's the case then why is it that SFS\2 cannot be recovered from?

I had an SFS\2 volume on my A1 years ago that bombed out. I didn't have anything important on it so I wasn't risking my good files. But I lost the volume as I found out it cannot be recovered from. Except for using a disk monitor to hack it out. So now I recommend people to use SFS\1 unless they really need 64 bit size support.

But, then wee had JXFS, the answer to both, which unfortunately was abandoned.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
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Not too shy to talk

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I don't believe we should be using SFS/0 on OS4 systems, although joerg is far more knowledgeable than me on this.

I use SFS\0 exclusively on my X1000. And FFS for boot partition. As NGFS is unreleased and still technically in beta I don't have much choice otherwise.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Check your system for different binaries of PartitionWizard. That looks like the error from the FE version which is broken on FE. Though, I did want to install just PartitionWizard on my A1 and nothing else from Enhancer, but didn't know how. Since it needs some depends installed and Enhancer wants to install too much for my liking when all I wanted to do was fix PartitionWizard on my A1.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
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Just popping in

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Hypex wrote:@Tuvok

Check your system for different binaries of PartitionWizard. That looks like the error from the FE version which is broken on FE. Though, I did want to install just PartitionWizard on my A1 and nothing else from Enhancer, but didn't know how. Since it needs some depends installed and Enhancer wants to install too much for my liking when all I wanted to do was fix PartitionWizard on my A1.

Thank you for the suggestion.
Which files should I be looking for?
I replaced all system files with the enhancer counterparts and after a hard reboot it gave me the same error.

10.AmigaOS:> version file full Utilities/PartitionWizard
PartitionWizard 53.7 (2015-10-26)
licenced to A-EON Technology Ltd

I will revert back to the original AmigaOS4.1 files.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Home away from home
Home away from home

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The "PartitionWizard" i have in latest beta of Enhancer also 53.7 (2015-10-25), which kind of strange for me, as i am sure Joerg to something with it, an so there should be or version change or at least date change..

On what HW you tried ? I can test it on all my amigas to see if it continue to work and where (and if) it fails.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Also, when building an OS4.1 system what filesystem should be used? SFS/00, SFS/02 or does it matter? I have built my X5040 and SAM460LE in SFS/00.

If you have access to NGFS/01, use that.

Now soon to be building my A1222. I just paid for it as an "Early Adopter". If anybody can give me any advice on building the A1222 correctly, I would highly appreciate it as I only purchased the Motherboard.

You're in luck! I have an entire web site devoted to that sort of thing. Enjoy.


-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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kas1e wrote:@Tuvok
The "PartitionWizard" i have in latest beta of Enhancer also 53.7 (2015-10-25), which kind of strange for me, as i am sure Joerg to something with it, an so there should be or version change or at least date change..

Hi, thank you for replying.
I got mine from the enhancer package. I remember joerg wrote something about an update with some fixes. Also IIRC he wrote that he thought an older version had been delivered with Enhancer 2.2. So he did not know this current public version to be available to us.
But this version does not work, so for us all it is bad and useless.


On what HW you tried ? I can test it on all my amigas to see if it continue to work and where (and if) it fails.

Sam440, AmigaOne XE and X1000

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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will NGFS ever be available to us?

Wouldn't it be more rational to have many people using it in order to find the bugs? I remember reading that it has reached a mature stage.

I don't know how big the beta tester team is in the backstage, but judging from what we see happening on the stage, there seems to be not much development going on. In fact your news is the first I read after a really long time!

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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If it's any consolation I also use PatitionWizard 53.7 from A-EON and it doesn't work exactly like AmiDVD 1.51

Why this problem has not been solved by Updater is unclear to me, as several users seem to have problems with it.

Resized Image

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thank you for the suggestion.
Which files should I be looking for?
I replaced all system files with the enhancer counterparts and after a hard reboot it gave me the same error.

It may seem obvious but just searching for PartitionWizard file itself. Though mine works I checked it on my system. All my versions match from what I could tell but one thing did stand out. I had stale APPDIR entries. So there's a possibility it may reference another dir. Another thing I noticed is that the icons in the GUI are missing for some reason. So I'm not sure if it relies on other local files.

But, this may be in vain, unless an X5000 user can tell us it definitely does work. One thing that could stop it is looking for specific versions of libraries and hardware. So if it fails to find hardware it knows or accepts it may fail. That and Enhancer or Updater server not having a valid PartitionWizard to install. Which would explain the odd warnings. There's some sort of similar incompatibility with the A1222 but I don't see it on my X1000 so I'm unaware of this when I investigate possible causes.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I tried every PartitionWizard version I could find on any backup, but none work.

Either it gives an error message regarding "Not freed DOS objects" or that the program is "probably for CLI use only".
Of course it doesn't launch from CLI either, no matter how big the stack is.

I also tried booting from the AmigaOS4.1 FinalEdition DVD, being careful that the kickstart modules are loaded from CD rather than from the SSD. To no avail, PartitionWizard doesn't want to start.

And at AmiKit nobody seems to care, sadly.

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Those error messages were common when PartitionWizard was incompatible with system libraries or when PartitionWizard was older than the system it was designed for. Unfortunately, the FinalEdition DVD doesn't help here, because the included PartitionWizard is faulty and designed to work with a previous OS4 version. If it does in fact load up at all you see those particular messages.

To compare I just ran Snoopy while loading PartitionWizard and saved a log. I've filtered out some non relevant or repeated lines. See here:

Log Generated bySnoopy 54.126 (18.10.2023)

00001 WBL             0    FindSegmentStackSize("<untracked>") [3uS]
00002 WBL             o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("workbench.library",0) [9uS]
00003 WBL             ZERO SetCurrentDir("<untracked>")
00004 WBL             o.k. = Lock("PartitionWizard",SHARED) [61uS]
00005 WBL             o.k. = ExamineObject([LK"PartitionWizard") [16uS]
00006 WBL             o.k. = LoadSeg("PartitionWizard") = [0x1648C5A9] [677uS]
00007 WBL             o.k. = Lock("PartitionWizard",SHARED) [18uS]
00008 : 
WBL             DIR  ParentDir("PartitionWizard") [6uS]
00009 : 
WBL             DIR  SetCurrentDir("<ZERO>")
00010 WBL             0    FindSegmentStackSize("PartitionWizard") [70uS]
00011 PartitionWizard 0    FindSegmentStackSize("PartitionWizard") [1uS]
00012 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL GetVar("ELF.debug",0x59081A70,19,0x00000000) [86uS]
00013 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL GetVar("ELF.LazyBinding",0x59081BDC,29,0x00000000) [58uS]
00014 CON/con-handler 53.78  0    FindSegmentStackSize("<untracked>") [5uS]
00015 CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("newlib.library",52) [4uS]
00016 CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("dos.library",40) [4uS]
00017 CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("intuition.library",0) [3uS]
00018 : 
CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("utility.library",0) [2uS]
00019 : 
CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("input.device",0,0x5972E08C,0x00000000) = [12uS]
00020 CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("timer.device",1,0x58DA1E20,0x00000000) = [8uS]
00021 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Open("CON://///AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT",OLD) = [0x16689B9E] [14081uS]
00022 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = DupLock("<untracked>") [15uS]
00023 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  ZERO SetCurrentDir("<untracked>")
00024 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("icon.library",51) [7uS]
00025 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("intuition.library",51) [2uS]
00026 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("graphics.library",51) [2uS]
00027 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("locale.library",51) [2uS]
00028 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("asl.library",51) [4uS]
00029 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("expansion.library",51) [1uS]
00030 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("newlib.library",4) [1uS]
00031 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  DIR  SetCurrentDir("<untracked>")
00032 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Open("PartitionWizard.info",OLD) = [0x16689AC6] [66uS]
00033 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  DIR  SetCurrentDir("<untracked>")
00034 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL = [execFindResident("misc.resource") [8uS]
00035 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("PROGDIR:",SHARED) [14uS]
00036 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("CURRDIR:",SHARED) [10uS]
00037 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Open("PROGDIR:Catalogs/english/PartitionWizard.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [16uS]
00038 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = FOpen("L:CharSets/US-ASCII",OLD,0) [0x16689AC6] [66uS]
00039 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Open("CURRDIR:Catalogs/english/PartitionWizard.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [19uS]
00040 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Open("LOCALE:Catalogs/english/PartitionWizard.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [43uS]
00041 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Open("PROGDIR:Catalogs/english_UTF-8/PartitionWizard.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [14uS]
00042 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Open("CURRDIR:Catalogs/english_UTF-8/PartitionWizard.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [14uS]
00043 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Open("LOCALE:Catalogs/english_UTF-8/PartitionWizard.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [35uS]
00044 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Open("PROGDIR:Catalogs/english_US_ASCII/PartitionWizard.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [14uS]
00045 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Open("CURRDIR:Catalogs/english_US_ASCII/PartitionWizard.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [14uS]
00046 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Open("LOCALE:Catalogs/english_US_ASCII/PartitionWizard.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [34uS]
00047 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("requester.class",52) [13uS]
00048 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("window.class",52) [4uS]
00049 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/layout.gadget",52) [2uS]
00050 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/button.gadget",52) [3uS]
00051 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/checkbox.gadget",52) [3uS]
00052 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("images/label.image",52) [3uS]
00053 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/listbrowser.gadget",52) [4uS]
00054 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/radiobutton.gadget",52) [7uS]
00055 ramlib          FAIL = [execFindResident("fuelgauge.gadget") [6uS]
00056 ramlib          FAIL Lock("LIBS:gadgets/fuelgauge.gadget",SHARED) [109uS]
00057 ramlib          o.k. = Lock("CLASSES:gadgets/fuelgauge.gadget",SHARED) [51uS]
00058 : 
ramlib          o.k. = LoadSeg("CLASSES:gadgets/fuelgauge.gadget") = [0x1648C44D] [9897uS]
00059 : 
ramlib          o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("newlib.library",53) [2uS]
00060 ramlib          o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("intuition.library",53) [2uS]
00061 ramlib          o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("utility.library",53) [2uS]
00062 ramlib          o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("graphics.library",53) [1uS]
00063 ramlib          o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("layers.library",53) [2uS]
00064 ramlib          o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("images/bevel.image",53) [4uS]
00065 ramlib          o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("diskfont.library",53) [2uS]
00066 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/fuelgauge.gadget",52) [10294uS]
00067 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/string.gadget",52) [4uS]
00068 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/integer.gadget",52) [4uS]
00069 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/clicktab.gadget",52) [4uS]
00070 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/chooser.gadget",52) [4uS]
00071 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("gadgets/getfile.gadget",52) [5uS]
00072 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("images/bitmap.image",52) [3uS]
00073 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("timer.device",1,0x58DA1580,0x00000000) = [11uS]
00074 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("datatypes.library",44) [4uS]
00075 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("dos.library",0) [2uS]
00076 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Lock("PROGDIR:PartitionWizard.buttons",SHARED) [15uS]
00077 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL Lock("PROGDIR:PartitionWizard.buttons",SHARED) [9uS]
00078 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL GetVar("classes/gadgets/chooser.gadget",0x5907F5CC,80,0x00000100) [111uS]
00079 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL GetVar("classes/gadgets/chooser.gadget",0x5907F5CC,80,0x00000100) [97uS]
00080 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL GetVar("classes/gadgets/chooser.gadget",0x5907F39C,80,0x00000100) [100uS]
00081 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("diskfont.library",51) [8uS]
00082 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("sb600sata.device",1,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = [15uS]
00083 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("sb600sata.device",1,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = [8uS]
00084 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("sb600sata.device",1,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = [11uS00111 ramlib          FAIL = [execFindResident("printer.device") [12uS]
00112 ramlib          o.k. = Lock("DEVS:printer.device",SHARED) [89uS]
00113 ramlib          o.k. = LoadSeg("DEVS:printer.device") = [0x1648C1A5] [7462uS]
00145 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("printer.device",0,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = [70769uS]
00146 CON/con-handler 53.78  0    FindSegmentStackSize("<untracked>") [3uS]
00147 CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("newlib.library",52) [3uS]
00148 : 
CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("dos.library",40) [3uS]
00149 : 
CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("intuition.library",0) [2uS]
00150 CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("utility.library",0) [1uS]
00151 CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("input.device",0,0x5972C08C,0x00000000) = [10uS]
00152 CON/con-handler 53.78  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("timer.device",1,0x6FBE0C00,0x00000000) = [6uS]
00220 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  FAIL = [execOpenDevice("parallel.device",0,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = -[3185uS]
00221 ramlib          FAIL = [execFindResident("serial.device") [6uS]
00222 ramlib          o.k. = Lock("DEVS:serial.device",SHARED) [60uS]
00223 ramlib          o.k. = LoadSeg("DEVS:serial.device") = [0x1648C301] [3940uS]
00224 ramlib          o.k. = [execOpenLibrary("expansion.library",53) [2uS]
00225 ramlib          o.k. = [execOpenDevice("timer.device",1,0x58E14CC0,0x00000000) = [8uS]
00226 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("serial.device",1,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = [15995uS]
00227 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("serial.device",0,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = [9577uS]
00228 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("diskimage.device",0,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = [11uS]
00229 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("serial.device",1,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = [8547uS]
00230 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("serial.device",0,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = [6568uS]
00231 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = [execOpenDevice("diskimage.device",1,0x59767F10,0x00000000) = [11uS]
00232 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("DH0:",SHARED) [29uS]
00233 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Info("DH0:") [2uS]
00234 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("BOOT:",SHARED) [477uS]
00235 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Info("BOOT:") [669uS]
00236 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("DH1:",SHARED) [20uS]
00237 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Info("DH1:") [1uS]
00238 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("DH2:",SHARED) [15uS]
00239 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Info("DH2:") [1uS]
00240 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("DH5:",SHARED) [19uS]
00241 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Info("DH5:") [1uS]
00242 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("DH6:",SHARED) [39uS]
00243 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Info("DH6:") [1uS]
00244 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("DH7:",SHARED) [16uS]
00245 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Info("DH7:") [1uS]
00246 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("DH8:",SHARED) [20uS]
00247 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Info("DH8:") [1uS]
00248 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("DH9:",SHARED) [15uS]
00249 : <
No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Info("DH9:") [1uS]
00250 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Lock("DH10:",SHARED) [16244uS]
00251 : <No NameTask:0x5D6B5030  o.k. = Info("DH10:") [358uS]

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Re: Amiga OS4.1 SSD Harddrive utility
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information
Hello all,

I was wondering why Partitionwizard was no longer working!

I did a survey from the AmigaOneX5000InstallCD-53.25.iso installation CD, I found that some things from update 1 were not included in the CD when I think they should have been.

Tell me if I'm wrong?

Because in fact if you install update 2.55 it directly offers you update 2.

Basically the problem comes from Kernel 54.30 1.1.2021, Kernel.debug 54.30 1.1.2021, from update 2.

If you replace the Kernels with those on the CD, Partitionwizard will work again.

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