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Joined: 2006/12/2 9:16 Last Login
: 2007/9/11 7:52
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I use vva on OS4 to remote control my unix box that I use for proper secure access to remote sites. This has worked great.
I read recently about a native X11 server for OS4.0 ( Cygnix ) and installed it and ran the X11 server.
It worked OK but for a few small blips:
1. Fonts came up corrupt on Mozilla 2. Fonts came up corrupt on konsole 3. vncviewer came up blank screen
But then it slowed my entire system to a crawl so I had to reboot it. This happenned each time. The only other thing I was running was IBrowse and the slowdown happenned in seconds.
Does anyone know what the problem might be or has experienced a similar error?
I used AmiWinX copied over from my A1200 and that worked just fine ( but slow ) so I know this is nothing hardware related.