It is normal, that Cygnix programs are searching for a huge amount of environment vars.
The fact that - for example - "ENVARC:LANG" is sometimes found and sometimes not
is very strange. There are some variables, which MUST be available for sure. Maybe there
are some variables defined with a wrong value. Here are the most important vars with it's
default values:
DISPLAY - "localhost:0"
HOME - "/Cygnix/Home/root"
HOSTNAME - "localhost"
JPEGMEM - "10m"
LANG - "de" (should be "fi" for you)
LANGUAGE - "de" (should be "fi" for you)
MANPATH - "/usr/X11R6.3/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/man:/usr/share/man"
PATH - "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6.3/bin:/C"
SHELL - "/bin/sh"
TZ - "Europe/Berlin" (should be set to your location "Europe/Helsinki")
USER - "root"
The second possible bug could be, that some standard UNIX paths are set wrong. Most important is
"USR:" and "ETC:". These assigns must be set to "Cygnix:CygnixPPC" / "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/etc" at the
FIRST place. Please check this with the "assign" command.
This can happen, if you've installed the OS4-SDK or an other port of an UNIX software.
Another question/problem:
Is it possible to use screen resolution 1680x1050 in X11 because when I'm using it the screenmode is not correct somehow. My monitor show correct numbers on OSD but the screen doesn't fit on the viewable area. It's scrolled automaticly when moving the mouse. And I just found AW.net thread, and this 32 bit mode is broken. So do you have plans to fix it ?
If you've installed the latest update of Cygnix, you can set the screenmode this way:
SetENV SAVE Cygnix/CYGNIX_SCREEN_MODE cybergraphx@1680x1050x16
Just type this into a shell and press return. Of cource an according screenmode must exist. Internally the X server
uses the BestCModeIDTags() function of the cybergraphics.library to find the amiga screenmode.
Hope this helps