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Joined: 2008/1/16 1:49 Last Login
: 2017/7/17 4:54
From Mexico City, MEXICO.
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Hi folks,
I'm running AmigaOS4 on my A1200 and I'm running DiskLed docky by Joerg S., I configured the tooltypes of the docy's icon for the devices I want to monitor and then I dragged the icon to Amidock but it doesn't seem to work, everytime I access the devices nothing appears in the DiskLed docky. Here's how I configured the icon's tooltypes:
DEVICE=scsi.device,0 DEVICE=scsi.device,1 DEVICE=x-surf.device,0
... and yes, I have drives connected to those devices and units, the x-surf is configured in roadshow and I can access the internet and everything... what am I doing wrong?? or is it that it doesn't support Classics running OS4? Shouldn't it work fine on any OS4 setup no matter if classic or A1?