When a remote browser with a local path set is opened, it checks if there is a local browser to the left of it. If there is, and it is currently just listing volumes, it changes the directory of it to the set local directory. This covers the case where you run PFTP and connect to a server.
I will also include a checkbox in the server window to open a local browser next to the remote browser you're about to open, if there isn't one already there.
Yeah, that all sounds cool and will certainly cover my needs.
It looks like the only situation not covered out of the ones I was imagining above is where you do have a local browser to the left of the remote one you are connecting with, but set to a different path than the one defined for that remote server. That's where it would be necessary to have a setting to determine whether it should change from its currently loaded path automatically, or it should prompt you first.
But this situation will not be the usual one, so I can understand it if you don't find it worth the effort to include support for it.
The rest I'm looking forward to checking out some time soon
could you please show a log somewhere with the current FTP commands sent and received? I don't like apps doing something but not telling me.. or only telling some general thing like "connecting to..."
Such a log comes in handy if you have to see where exactly the FTP server stops working.. or your network driver for my sake :-/
The bottom window would be a good place.. if you worry about being connected to more than 1 server at the same time, don't worry ;) Even most big FTP clients on Winblows just fire their logs into one window .. still better than telling the user nothing..
Or did I once again overlook some option?
AmigaOS 4 core developer www.os4welt.de - Die deutsche AmigaOS 4 Gemeinschaft
"In the beginning was CAOS.." -- Andy Finkel, 1988 (ViewPort article, Oct. 1993)
I think your doing excellent job, just think we need a FTP server.
RC-FTPd is open source since quite some time. I talked to Robin Cloutman (the original developer) some weeks ago as there was already a sourceforge project but without any content... in the meantime he added the source, whereby it's not the source of the latest version which got lost due to a hd crash .. but that would really be a start.
I *have* an ftp server on my HD since some time now but there is some problems (read crashs at logout. I should really find some time to investigated that. Else if someone wants to look at it...
If you are real nice I'll port sshd. But you have to be real nice
I'll be real nice too if it helps Will be a though one imho (the forking of its children for example). If you need a tester, count me in...
"the expression, 'atonal music,' is most unfortunate--it is on a par with calling flying 'the art of not falling,' or swimming 'the art of not drowning.'. A. Schoenberg