i'm trying to understand how to add some features to owb that are not related to Amiga GUI because i have no sources to work on (as Joerg said he hasn't add the sources to svn). but i'm joking with my DUAL G5 and so i must reinstall all mac stuff to compile owb. I would try to made a patch to download the files.. but i'm sure that Joerg will do it for first... Guys, you are seeing a work of a single person.. if you can, please donate money to Joerg. His work is really appreciated from everyone.
which is unfortunately very problematic since I build OWB on OS4 itself and the OS4 SVN client can't be used for the OWB sources.
It's strange I never get such problem. I already experienced problem with using an already checked ou tree by a more recent client (i.e. someone check out the tree using a client, then tar.gz it and pass it to me) but I never was unable to check out the sources using the OS4 SVN client... To solve my problem with pre checked tree here is what I did : - rename the current working directory, - delete from this every .SVN directories, - check out a fresh new tree, - overwrite the new tree by the old one.
To be more effective you must be sure to check out the same revision, else you can be in trouble...
In lieu of a scroll bar, the mouse scroll wheel works nice. Didn't notice that before with 1.9
But I'm getting a lot of "recoverable alert" "press left mouse button" orange warning messages now which I didn't get before. After clicking through a few of these, I get a GR with a DSI error. I can tell it to ignore DSI errors, but the left mouse click are needed more and more often, to the point that it's really irritating.
This happens just moving from page to page within Amigans.net. WHen I go to entirely different sites it seems to happen more rapidly.
Is this behavioir related to the changes in font usage for special symbols? I seem to get a similar error with Pagestream PPC, which is also font related.
Anyway, nice work and good progress.
Builder of Frankenthousand The monster A1000 The Young Frankenthousand A1-XE G4 X5000
I get the same beahvior here with 1.10. I often get the yellow warning in top of the screen (error 01000009) while loading pages until the Grim Reaper appears.
I can ignore DSI errors but it is a little bit anooying
Im posting via OWB 1.10 and i also get the yellow banner press left mouse button etc only since 1.10 though and a grim reaper too ignore continues ok though
Amiga is the heart and soul of computing nothing else comes close
I too get a lot of recoverable alert and then the program quit.. it is not usable at this stage.. maybe just a fix could solve the problem.. no problem with the font they are better than version 1.9
I'm getting a lot of recoverable alerts too! This did not happen in previous versions. After it finished to load the homepage, I browse to some othr place and the recoverale alerts start, after a few secs. it crashes with grimreaper
gave 1.10 a try. Doesn't work too well on my classic. Besides that it is way too slow to be usable, it crashes a lot and I get yellow gurus "en masse"... Could someone up a video of OWB on an A1 somewhere? I'd really like to se how it performs on the fastest Amiga-Hardware there is. :)
how about supplying these fonts as some of us haven't got windows machines
That would be illegal. Although these fonts are freely available (check the RAEADME_AMIGAOS4 of OWB 1.10, the archive with the core fonts .otag files includes the link to them on sourceforge.net and instructions on how to install them) redistributing them in a different format, for example only the .TTF files together with the AmigaOS4 .otag and .font files in a lha archive, is not allowed.