Just popping in
Joined: 2006/12/7 7:47 Last Login
: 2/22 22:11
From Berlin. We're all a bit mad here.
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Hey there.
You may remember a port of MAME to the Amiga from a few years ago called WarpMAME. It was a Warp Up specific version that I myself ported and that was a dual CPU port. The PPC did the emulation and the 68k did the graphics rendering and sound. I put a huge amount of effort into it and it was the fastest version of MAME for the Amiga - certainly much faster than a quick SDL port.
However I was forced to abandon the port because MAME is actually a really badly written program. The separation between the OS independent parts and the OS depdendent parts is not done well, which means that whenever a new version of MAME was released, I basically had to re-port it to the Amiga, repeating the same work again and again. Sometimes it would take as long as a month to get a new version working! After a while I simply got bored and fed up with repeating this same work time after time, not to mention that each version seemed to be slower than the previous one, even when emulating older games, so it was becoming unusable on a Cyberstorm PPC.
Anyway, I guess that you are wondering why I am writing such a negative post. It's just that as an ex-maintainer of an Amiga port I wanted to let people know that it's not just a simple matter of a recompile. The SDL version is too slow and a native port is too much work! MAME is a really wonderful program but it is also very badly coded, and the MAME team seem to hide away so you can't get your patches upstream.
It's fun to play with but horrible to port!