Since I released Cinnamon Writer 0.52. I have received a number of donations that have allowed me to start Cinnamon Projects. Thank you to the ones who have donated.
Cinnamon Projects is an attempt to speed up the development of Cinnamon Writer (CW) by taking advantage of some of the brilliant coders who would like a break from their own projects or who can reuse some of their previously written code earning a sum of money.
A typical project is a well-defined piece of functionality that will be integrated into CW. The projects are made available on this homepage when the resources allow it (When donations have been received). The coder can freely use the code in other projects, commercial or not. However, it is the responsibility of the coder to ensure that there are and will be no restrictions related to use of the piece of code in Cinnamon Writer.
New projects will be announced on
the homepage together with a description of the wanted functionality and the amount, which will be paid upon successful completion of the project. Interested coders are encouraged to contact me through the supplied email where after I will evaluate if the coder is serious about the request. Together with the coder, we will work out the exact API of the code and timeframe for the project. If the task, timeframe and amount in question are acceptable for the coder, the project will change status from ?Open? to ?Under development?. At this stage, no new coders are interviewed for the project. Once the project is finished, the funds will be transferred to the coder.
Also notice the added menu "bugreports" where bugs can be easy reported.