argh... I tried it all ways... although looking promising with some combos it stills comes back to an invalid archive etc...
take this release for example... a small one... please feel free to examine it if you get a spare moment *hint* lol
http://rapidshare.com/files/113262321/055.Terror.Of.The.Autons.ziphttp://rapidshare.com/files/113430157/055.Terror.Of.The.Autons.z01http://rapidshare.com/files/113433360/055.Terror.Of.The.Autons.z02http://rapidshare.com/files/113436668/055.Terror.Of.The.Autons.z03http://rapidshare.com/files/113254801/055.Terror.Of.The.Autons.z04http://rapidshare.com/files/113254804/055.Terror.Of.The.Autons.z05I tried 055.Terror.Of.The.Autons.zip in front at the end and tried the archives in reverse order with 055.Terror.Of.The.Autons.zip at start and end...
-FF wasn't any help either...
the author of the releases suggests using powerarchiver to unzip them if there are any difficulties...
damn MS and it's endless formats!
Slayer mumbles and heads off to try and find an XBox powerarchiver?????
The main error was it always found the need to truncate the archive... the test release was around 730k once joined after various combos and unzip -F / -FF attempts the end archive was always between 180k and 290k... truncated somewhere in the process...
The only thing I haven't done which is simply cRazy... is jumble the .z0? archives up! lol
I seriously think we are looking at a new compression?
Edited by Slayer on 2008/5/22 6:04:16