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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Ok thanks dude ill get scout now and use it good to know im not the only one with this problem

Amiga is the heart and soul of computing nothing else comes close
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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I've posted your report on the Beta ML, now we just wait and see what the consensus is.

thanks! hope to read about it.


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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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It would be useful to have some new ASL tags for a file format selector. Trying to save (and sometimes load, but that is less of a problem) on various programs that support multiple formats is very inconsistent. I'd like to see the ASL requester have the option for a cycle gadget that allows you to select the format to save in (or load, for dumb formats that can't be auto-detected easily)

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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I found that some of the shell commands does not
follow the same style guide.

10.work:>sort ?
sort: open failed: ?: No such file or directory

However this way working:

10.Work:Web/www.tekalasz.hu/Data> sort --help
Usage: sort [OPTION]...

The same happens with dir.


I did not know about sdk:local/c is in the path and it has
some file with the same name as c: which works other way.

Sorry for the incompetence.


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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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You have the SDK installed. Either rename the offending commands or specify the path as well, eg c:sort ?

Adding C: to the start of the path command in s:startup-sequence should do the trick as well (it defaults to being at the end of the search path for some reason).


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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Chris, you might add that all of the commands in the SDK come from Linux origins and use "--help" (or some variation of it). On the other hand, all the Amiga commands in C: are written to use ReadArgs and use the "?" option.

Thus we have two "Date" and two "Sort" commands, each with different syntax and options. Many others also.

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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I'd like to know why creating screenmodes in Radeon icon, that I know follows the specs of my LCD, produce
a black screen (no open screen mode on the LCD)?

The Update 4 CD boots alright with the preconfigured 800x600 screen mode. But adding the very exact to my own Radeon icon of the OS4 install produce nothing. Also even if I copy the screenmode prefs file from the CD to my system produce nothing.

Screen modes that work flawlessly on Windows aren't possible to open on my OS4 (outside specs the LCD says). If I fiddle with the frame sizes in PicassoMode96 I can open a 1280x1024 test screen though.

I have a ViewTronic VP730 17" LCD and a ?A1-C.

EDIT: Please OS4 Team, we need a proper screen mode creator GUI setup, a new and improved PicassoMode96 if you will.

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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Exactly what files on OS4 handles screen modes in some way? ENVARC:/sys/screenmode.prefs, DEVS:picassomode96, Radeon monitor icon.. More?

Also what is the default screenmode OS4 opens when the screenmode.prefs file can't be found (with some modes put in the Radeon icon)? Any preference? Lowest resolution?

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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I'd say Kickstart/ATIRadeon.chip is the one doing all the work.
Check the version, i got ATIRadeon.chip 51.13 (06.06.2005).

What screenmodes did you put in the Monitor file, the exact line,
please. It has to look like this: MODE=800x600@60

I'd always use 60Hz at the end, unless you KNOW your monitor can
handle more Hz

Could you post the complete Tooltypes here, maybe you got a
glitch somewhere else?


It was fun while it lasted...

game box/art scans
scummvm builds (retired)
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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Also, make sure the min and max sync values are correct. These are mine:


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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Btw I failed to mention that I had everything working with
a CRT monitor, no problem at all. Even with adding modes.

I have ATIRadeon.chip 51.13


My LCD actually supports wider specs, 50-85 & 24000-82000
but that makes no difference. Seems the frequence output by
OS4 is not compatible with my monitor

As I said, not even PicassoMode96 won't open a screenmode
I have created even though it's inside specs, without changing
the frame size.

I also have

Mode=1280x1024x16,32@60 <- Native recommended resolution.

Best Regards,


[SOLD] ?A1-C, 512MB, Antec Aria
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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I have now gotten OS4 to boot with a 1280x1024 screenmode.

But there must be a bug somewhere because how I did it is not a normal way (I hope)..

Why does Radeon monitor use Picasso96Settings file even
if I have it removed from the tooltypes?
Why doesn't OS4 open up a 800x600 screen mode when I
have explicitly saved this mode with ScreenMode prefs?

What I did was boot the OS4 update 4 CD.
Open Picssso96Mode prefs program.
Edit the 1280x1024 mode so that it worked and fit.
Saved Picasso96Settings to DEVS:.
Did NOT call Picasso96Settings from Radeon tooltype.
Added three modes (800x600, 1024x768 & 1280x1024) to
Radeon monitor tooltype.
Opened Screenmode prefs (while being in 800x600 from the
CD boot). Saved the 800x600 screenmode settings to ENVARC: of my harddisk.
OS4 works for the first time in 2 months (since I got the new
LCD) for me. But strangely it opens in the fixed 1280x1024
mode I just had made with Picasso96Mode..

What more strange is that once I saved Screenmode prefs
into one of the modes in the Radeon icon everything works
as expected. Now any new mode works directly.

It can't be expected to have this much trouble just from
changing monitor from CRT to LCD?!?
The problem I had was because my CRT prefs was saved
at 1280x960@85, this is not supported by the LCD so I got
a black screen. It doesn't help just to fix the Radeon icon
apparently.. It seems when screenmode.prefs settings can't
be found it chooses one mode in Picasso96Settings.
I thought OS4 would just revert to 800x600@60 when it
can't find a correct setting for the monitor.

Best Regards,


[SOLD] ?A1-C, 512MB, Antec Aria
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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I just switched over from a crt to a ViewSonic VP920b TFT & it was so much fun....not!

Heres my settings.


You must remove the Picasso96Settings file from Devs into sys:storage so it can't be found. You will need to auto-adjust each screen setting to make the different modes fit the monitor. I also found that 60Hz was much easier on my eyes.

We have the same TFT brand other then size so my settings should work for you. You can ignore the 1280x864 mode & a 320x240 mode is crap on a TFT, blocky & is not recommended. The INTERUPT=No is to stop the audio cutout problem when scrolling in AmiPDF. There are some screen modes that just don't work for me yet.

Look, only one leg, count em, one!
X1000/PA6T@1800MHz/2Gb/Radeon 4850

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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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If you add new screenmodes to the icon before any existing ones, the screenmode IDs of these existing modes will change. Meaning if you added a new screenmode before your WB screenmode, then the WB will use the previous mode in the list on reboot. If you don't want this to happen simply add all new screenmodes to the end of the list.

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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hi Sundown!

I have everything working now since a couple of days.

Although I tried everything everyone suggested I couldn't get it to work before I edited a mode in Picasso96Mode first. And ofter that remove the Picasso96 settings file. It's really strange. Now everything works as expected. I can add or remove modes as I like, no problems.


Oh.. I didn't know that. I just changed alll modes in the tooltypes and even removed some. I guess that's why I got in trouble then.
Still OS4 should revert to 800x600@60 when the resolutions in the tooltypes don't correspond not just don't show anything. Better still, use the standard that exist for getting info from the monitor about its specs (don't remember what it's called though) and then choose an appropriate resolution.

Best Regards,


[SOLD] ?A1-C, 512MB, Antec Aria
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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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"Better still, use the standard that exist for getting info from the monitor about its specs (don't remember what it's called though) and then choose an appropriate resolution."

Unfortunately, that is not yet possible with the limited graphics card support we have.

You probably ran into trouble with two sets of screen modes, the new modes generated by the driver and the old modes generated by Picasso96.

For anyone trying to use the auto screenmodes in future, I repeat the instructions I gave on aw.net several times:

1) ADD your tooltypes to the driver icon.
2) LOOK for the new mode in Prefs/Screenmodes. You will see two modes, the old one and the new one, but you won't know which is which. If there is only one, the new one didn't work, probably because it was outside the limits you set in the tooltypes.
3) TEST the new mode (test both of them).
4) DISABLE the old mode generated by P96 using P96Mode (double-click on the mode in the mode list). It will then disappear from the list in Prefs/Screenmodes.

Now you can use Prefs/Screenmode to choose from your new modes without confusing them with the old modes. There is no need to delete, rename or move anything.

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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I also have

Mode=1280x1024x16,32@60 <- Native recommended resolution.

change that into:

at least I have never seen a 3D monitor ... so please do not use more then two dimensions

Best regards,
hnl_dk - Henning Nielsen Lund [Denmark]
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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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at least I have never seen a 3D monitor ... so please do not use more then two dimensions

I'm not near my A1, but IIRC the third number is not for an hypothetical 3rd dimensions except if you consider the resolution as the third dimension (which is a valid statement as well). So Third numbers are to specify which resolution you want to support... Again it's IIRC.

Back to a quiet home... At last
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Re: AmigaOS4 support
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Here's an oldie that has been with us since pre-release #1.
Select about 20-30 icons (powericons or normal ones, but if you fail the test with normal, try with power icons).
No try to replace the icons with drag and drop. Sooner or later you'll get a crash complaining about Rawbinfo.

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