The problem is that links to drawers are shown as drawers, so changing those settings is of no use.
Hmm ? I'll try this evening on my own A1. Which FS are you using ?
SFS, but I think it is unlikely that it has something to do with it because, as said, ASL requesters treat links correctly - in other words, I think it is just a problem with the TextMode.
I'll check that... i *think* i know what's causing that, but i'm not sure i can fix it without major rewrites of AmiDock (which i surely won't do).
Oh god, don't tell me that is a sync/async problem of UI framework, It's my new nightmare from I code on The Amiga
That's not a problem of AmiDock.. every (app)docky is free in its decision if it reacts on single- or doubleclicks. AmiDock just informs the docky about what happened, but the Docky itself is responsible to react to the action.
So if one docky opens a window on single click and another docky only after doubleclick, it was the decision of the dockycoder to do it that way and not AmiDocks.
Uhm, this gives very space to coders ideas, but pheraps would be better to give to user a prefs where he can choose if he want all appdockies to open with one or two clicks? Leaving this choose to coder means to have an UI few coherent (an appdocky with one click, another one with two clicks, etc...: confusion....), instead if you leave this choose to user then he can decide how interact with system, mantaining in any case system UI coherent (all appdockies with one click/ two clicks). Btw, how can I set from my code if I want one olny click for my appdocky?
We are at OS4.1 meanwhile.. ;
Please give us a way to join with "super Attak" a subdock to its icon
Clear install, I could delete my Newcoaster prefs...
Make a backup from your current NewsCoaster install and then re-install the program from OS4Depot. My guess is that some required MUI custom class is now missing, it should be recrified with the new install.
This is just my guess, maybe Andrea can shed some more light into this problem.
"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
I tried to copy WinAlphaTest to sys:C with copy command in shell and I couldn't execute it from there. Shell was displaying some error message. Then I deleted it and copied it again to the same place this time dragging&dropping it on WB from one partition to sys:C. And now it's running from sys:C too. So the copy command must be somehow broken. (I had to make manual installation of 4.1 but everything else looks working fine so far.)
@orgin Quote:
Nope, that's just overdoing it
You're not easy to please. So if it would show only title names without thumb pictures then it would be perfect ?
Rock lobster bit me - so I'm here forever X1000 + AmigaOS 4.1 FE "Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system." - Seymour Cray
Here after a clean install and on an FFS partition, WB text mode shows my links to drawers perfectly however this is ASL that does not...
So, you have the exactly opposite problem (i.e. TextMode OK, ASL wrong)?
As for me, I just discovered that the only thing TextMode gets wrongs is the color of links to drawers: now I tried italicizing them and it works. This means that links are correctly recognized as such. Basically, the custom color is ignored when it comes to drawers.
As regards filesystems, I still think that this issue has nothing to do with them, not only because link do get recognized, but also because the behaviour is the same for both the RAM disk (FFS, IIRC) and my HD partitions (all SFS).
I tried to copy WinAlphaTest to sys:C with copy command in shell and I couldn't execute it from there. Shell was displaying some error message. Then I deleted it and copied it again to the same place this time dragging&dropping it on WB from one partition to sys:C. And now it's running from sys:C too. So the copy command must be somehow broken.
I tested copy command again today and everything worked fine this time ! Strange. (I tested with one file only.)
Rock lobster bit me - so I'm here forever X1000 + AmigaOS 4.1 FE "Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system." - Seymour Cray
In Prefs/Workbench/text-mode, if I set the small icons to anything else than "disabled", I get a grim reaper from C:IPrefs everytime I boot the A1 (equal if cold or warm reboot). Hitting "ignore dsi" makes it work. Setting back the small icons to "disabled" fixes the problem. Am I alone with this ?
I add this : I have set a custom background colour. May be it has something to do with the strange grimming IPrefs ?
In Prefs/Workbench/text-mode, if I set the small icons to anything else than "disabled", I get a grim reaper from C:IPrefs everytime I boot the A1 (equal if cold or warm reboot). Hitting "ignore dsi" makes it work. Setting back the small icons to "disabled" fixes the problem. Am I alone with this ?
I add this : I have set a custom background colour. May be it has something to do with the strange grimming IPrefs ?
If the problem were the background, your system would be much more instable As for the icons problem, sorry, I cannot help. Here it just works (although I keep it off, as the type column does the job better without cluttering the view).
I have problem with AmigaInput. The two USB Joysticks are recognized and shown but their input is not. I can select them from software but can not play on them. Copying AmigaInput settings libraries and devs, from AmigaOS 4.0 makes the one Joystick work with recognized input, but with the bugs of AmigaInput in OS 4.0.
Clean install or update ? I guess update isn't it ? Try to rename your workbench.prefs in ENVARC:Sys/ and reboot. Now see if you still have grim in C:Iprefs (IIRC by default small icons are activated in WB text mode).
More problems, with layers/composition this time: sometimes some areas are not updated/refreshed. For example, 3 or 4 times when I clicked on an item in a WB window in TextMode mode only the hightlight got drawn (i.e. the item name and properties did not get redrawn): look at this grab. Funnily and fittingly, when I dragged and released the file of the picture above into the ASL requester opened by IBrowse precisely to upload the picture, the ASL requester did not get refreshed at all; but it did refresh when I selected the ASL window itself (which appeared unselected precisely because it did not get refreshed). This had happened before also when I uploaded AOS 4.1 grab here on A similar problem had happened with ClassAction, but I did not give it much importance because it is a M68k application.
Maybe there is more than one problem (f.ex. lost notifications), but for sure the effect is the same.
This one may be a sign of some serious problem: sometimes the launch of programs (mostly from AmiDock, but I think it also happened once or twice from WB and/or shell) is delayed for a 5 or so seconds (with the machine doing nothing else and plenty of RAM free). This may cause the "lost click" effect mentioned somewhere else.
BTW: is any OS developer/betatester taking note of all that's being reported in this thread?