Just pulled up my YAM config. Gmail DOES use SSL encryption, I'm not sure if simplemail supports this. (The last guy got it to work apperently, though I can't read French, and neither can Google, despite what they claim. ) Anyway, the SMTP is pop.gmail.com port 465 and it uses SSLLv3 Authentication. The POP3 settings are for the same server (pop.gmail.com), only on port 995 instead. My ISP switched over to Gmail instead of maintaining their own POP server (Beacuse TDS are a bunch of cheap a$$ $&^*%^%@@!!!), and I'm still using "their" email to send stuff. The server/port settings should still be the same, though.
EDIT: Looks like K-L shows the right settings for downloading from Gmail, but he's using a different server to send mail. (The SMTP stuff)
EDIT2: Tried the english translation, Google didn't slaughter it as badly as I thought it would.
Impossible de se connecter au serveur pop.gmail.com: Impossible de se connecter au serveur.
Besides account-name and password, my settings are exactly the same as yours. I don't know why it can't connect. I have a yahoo account set up too and it connects and loads my emails without problems.
Maybe there are some problems with SSL on OS 4.1 / Sam?
Just pulled up my YAM config. Gmail DOES use SSL encryption, I'm not sure if simplemail supports this. (The last guy got it to work apperently, though I can't read French, and neither can Google, despite what they claim. ) Anyway, the SMTP is pop.gmail.com port 465 and it uses SSLLv3 Authentication. The POP3 settings are for the same server (pop.gmail.com), only on port 995 instead. My ISP switched over to Gmail instead of maintaining their own POP server (Beacuse TDS are a bunch of cheap a$$ $&^*%^%@@!!!), and I'm still using "their" email to send stuff. The server/port settings should still be the same, though.
EDIT: Looks like K-L shows the right settings for downloading from Gmail, but he's using a different server to send mail. (The SMTP stuff)
EDIT2: Tried the english translation, Google didn't slaughter it as badly as I thought it would.
I managed to read his article, but still no luck here.. I guess I will have to try with YAM.. Thanks for your help anyway
SMTP is not the problem as it serves just to send the email. I want to be able to access my mailbox first.
anyway, the very same config works on YAM even if I obmit the "@googlemail.com" part in the account name (contrary on what is explained if you follow the link to google-help)
bit off topic but does anyone know how to use and save a signature with SimpleMail v0.33...I can't figure it out..and when I actually save a sig my system crashes...
So, I was thinking that I should get a gmail account.
Is it possible to make this work with SimpleMail? And if so - how?
I am using SimpleMail and gmail with imap here and it dose work under OS4.1, but for some reason you need AmiSSL v1 and AmiSSL v2 installed as well as AmiSSL v3 that comes pre-installed with OS4.