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Joined: 2006/12/2 9:16 Last Login
: 2007/9/11 7:52
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Well let me put it another way.
If you aren't interested in partly completed products then it has been like groundhog day.
If Hyperion release Amiga OS4.0 and one of the hardware manufacturers gets to release a motherboard that can use it and both are available to buy at roughly the same time groundhog day is over.
Given I have OS4.0 obviously I don't fit into that category, but a lot of people do. I'm not like those deranged people who won't buy OS4.0 until it gets some obscure bit of software like Deluxe Paint or SuperFrog gets fixed to run on it, but I do use my Amiga every day with all the RTG based applications I used to use on OS4.0. What I can't use it for I vva into a unix box.