Just for fun, I thought I see if I could download & play YouTube videos using only tools available for 68k.
Turned out to be pretty simple.
I started with the
getVideo utility from Aminet and then downloaded the latest verion of
ffmpeg (which can convert flv files to various formats).
Basically, I just set up getVideo as descibed in the instructions (you'll end up with a "getVideo" menu option in IBrowse). Then use ffmpeg to convert them to mpeg format (which I view with Frogger)
Syntax for converting flv files with ffmeg:
ffmpeg -i source.flv result.mpeg
ffmpeg -i source.flv -sameq result.mpeg
The first way creates a very small version - and the second creates a much larger/better quality version.
Edited by klesterjr on 2008/3/16 16:51:30