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Joined: 2007/10/25 8:14 Last Login
: 2023/10/16 11:17
From City of Lost Angels
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Chances are the 25 minutes estimate in that article also includes the time it took to read and follow the instructions, which can vary greatly from one user to the next.
For example, it took me two hours to update my beta system to 4.1, but that's because I copied everything manually in order to check the date, size and version of every single file to avoid overwriting newer files.
Imaging can't be used for a fresh install because the destination partition would have to be set to the exact size, filesystem and block size as the one in the image, but since there's no tool to resize the partition nor change the FS on the fly, it's better to let the user take his pick.
The best way to speed up the copy procedure is making sure both drives are using UDMA and enabling delayed flushing on the destination partition if it's using FFS2.