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Joined: 2008/3/11 8:29 Last Login
: 2016/3/14 0:46
From Dunedin, New Zealand
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Here I was thinking good man that spotUP he'll have that mess sorted out in regards to Circlemud shops not working or whatnot by now and I can focus on just the small cut and paste etc etc etc... ;)
I DO plan to get into C this time around, but it'll be up against my desire to get back into my 3D modelling (Imagine) but YES... I will look you up at some stage so or just send you the output from gcc etc etc when the time comes and I get stuck :p
btw, what library worked best, newlib or clib? and use any other dependencies outside the standard SDK?
thanks spotUP
do you still maintain your Compiling4Dummies txt?