Excellent release, nice and smooth, love the context menus, although it would be better if it worked with the right mouse button like it usually does on other browsers.
I used the middle mouse button for the context menus to be able to access the normal menus with the right mouse button from everywhere, when using the right mouse button for the context menus instead you have to move the mouse pointer outside of the webview to be able to access the normal menus, i.e. it's as annoying as for example in IBrowse.
AWeb IIRC uses <alt>LMB by default for the context menus, but I've configured it to use the middle mouse button for them as well.
I'll add a tooltype in the next version of OWB to use the right mouse button for the context menus.
I do have a suggestion. now that OWB has a built-in bookmark function,
Not really, I just changed it to work directly with OWB instead of using ARexx commands and for OWB Galekid added support for multiple windows, but the main parts of it are still the same as in the external version (
http://os4depot.net/?function=showfil ... twork/browser/owb_gui.lha ) and it's still a completely separate part and not integrated in OWB.
would it be possible to have the bookmarks accessible via menu? E.g. a menu item called 'Bookmarks' that would contain two items "Add Bookmark" and "Manage Bookmarks", then a separator bar, followed by the list of bookmarks that could be picked from the menu to load the bookmarked pages.
Currently OWB doesn't have access to the internal bookmark data, incl. the URLs, and for adding them to a menu it would have to be a bookmark which not only stores the URLs, which are often way too long for a menu, but a (changeable) title as well.
Maybe using Tuomas Hokka's OWBBook instead would be better.
Thanks very excellent job ! Little problem if you have two or more OWB windows open and you try to use popup menu, the position of it isn't correct.
Will be fixed in the next version.
With future version of hardware accelerated Cairo version can we have a fast OWB ??
Huh!? The AmigaOS 4.x port of OWB is
very fast.
What exactly and compared to which browser (FireFox, Opera, Epiphany-WebKit, ..., running on the same AmigaOne or SAM440ep of course) do you think is slow in OWB?
With a hardware accelerated Cairo it would be slower, not faster. For hardware acceleration the surfaces have to be in the gfx card memory but only a few things like compositing images and filling rects can be hardware accelerated, most operations OWB uses, for example rendering text, can't be and accessing the gfx card RAM with the CPU, especially reading from it, is much slower than rendering everything in main RAM with the CPU and only copying the final result to the gfx card.
Works here.
Pop up menus seem better for selecting items but on some sites even though the item is selected nothing happens.
Since I haven't found a site with such a problem I need an example to check it.
a decent flash player build ind thing soo wee can start to see all those news clip and youtube
For that someone else has to port a flash browser plugin to AmigaOS 4.x, for example the gnash one (
http://www.amigabounty.net/?function=viewproject&projectid=31 ).
Btw, as there's a context menu now and owb has an arexx port and since download support will take quite some time to happen, would it be possible to add an item in the context menu to send the download to Charon or a similar program with an arexx port as suggested in the past?
Should be possible, but downloading that way would only work using the context menu, not when clicking download links.
Are tabs next? Please say yes! :)
Implementing tabs is very easy, maybe I'll add it in the next version. But it will very likely only work on AmigaOS 4.1, not on AmigaOS 4.0 since it would be much more work supporting old versions of clicktab.gadget as well.
I only have a minor problem to report. When I open OWB on an open public screen (my Internet screen), OWB takes the focus (becomes the active window) but doesn't bring the screen to the front. It would make more sense for it to pop the screen to the front if it's the active window.
The screen will be put to front in the next version.