Ideas like this always sound good but it's a bit like the o' tradesman arrives to do a job for you around the house and you're there keeping an eye on them to ensure they do what you want. Some people don't mind, alot of people do.
I wouldn't want someone breathing down my neck personally and if the site doesn't update for a defined amount of time? It'll just give fuel to some of those people out there that have little patience for inactivity.
If there is anything to be said that we need to really hear then the people involved have many avenues to inform us, via this site or others.
We don't have to be an active part of the creation; that's what feedback in the traditional way is for.
It's just one of those things I think, the world is obsessed with being an open book or everyone is everyones next door neigbour, I like space and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
But hey, I'm not trying to be over the top, heck, Rogue and Co may even like the idea. It's just not the way I'm betting