This always happens when something other than straight forward and child proof isn't apparent.
People scream blue murder instead of actually realising it's generally just there lack of insight and/or patience.
I'm beginning to seriously question who makes up the Amiga community today.
Are you actual hardcore Amiga users from way back or people who have joined the ranks in recent years (relatively speaking).
I don't like seeing the whining. That is for other platforms. Amiga Users get things done, and quietly with style
I didn't have time to check in to the new site; I checked on my overnight torrents and decided to login to Amigans before heading to work.
I have to register OS4 development, OS4 Classic and OS4 for the SAM. All of which (I am confident) I will accomplish quietly.
Take it easy eh
I am very happy to hear the SAM has two updates