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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
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Just popping in

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Can you paste in the entire struct?

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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Here us the entire source code used :
/* Structure de Basic 3D qui peut-?tre partag?e pour les donn?es*/
typedef struct {
int B3DObjectAmount;
int *ObjectList;
int *LastCreatedObject;
struct Basic3DStructType Basic3D;

typedef struct {
BOOL Exist;
int *PreviousObject;
int *NextObject;
int ID;
int Type;
float XPosYPosZPos;
float XRotYRotZRot;
float XScaleYScaleZScale;
int *TextureImage;
BOOL HiddenCullingTransparencyWireFrameFogAmbientLightsFiltering;
float RGBRedRGBGreenRGBBlue;
BOOL IsGhost;
int GhostMode;
int DiffuseAmbienceSpecularEmissiveSpecularPower;
int *DetailMappingImageSmoothingAlphaMappingPercent;

// #include "_SystemIncludes.c"
#include "Basic3D_EngineInformations.c"

/* 0. System functions unavailable to user */
Object3DType *Allocate3DObjectint ObjectID ){                  // is line 49
Object3DType *NewObject IExec -> AllocVecTagssizeofObject3DType ), TAG_DONE );
  if ( !
NewObject ){
// On modifie les param?tres de l'objet 3D fraichement cr?e.
NewObject->PreviousObject Basic3D->LastCreatedObject;
NewObject.Exist 1;
NewObject.ID ObjectID;
NewObject->PreviousObject Basic3D->LastCreatedObject;
NewObject.RGBRed 255;
NewObject.RGBGreen 255;
NewObject.RGBBlue 255;
// On ins?re dans l'avant dernier objet 3D la r?f?rence du nouvel objet 3D.
Object3DType *OldObject Basic3D->LastCreatedObject;
OldObject->NextObject = *NewObject;
// On ins?re le nouvel objet cr?e dans la structure de Basic3D.
Basic3D->LastCreatedObject = *NewObject;

void Free3DObjectObject3DType *OldObject ){
  if ( 
OldObject != NULL ){
IExec -> FreeVecOldObject );

void BASIC3D_Constructorvoid ){

void BASIC3D_Destructorvoid ){
// Suppression de tous les objets 3D existants restants.
if ( Basic3D.B3DObjectAmount ){
// On r?cup?re l'objet en m?moire en Basic3D
struct Object3DType *NewObject Basic3D->LastCreatedObject;
struct Object3DType *NextToDelete NewObject->PreviousObject;
/*      Free3DObject( *NewObject );*/
*NewObject = *NextToDelete;
     } while ( !
NewObject );
    if ( 
Basic3D.B3DObjectAmount != NULL ){
// Afficher un message d'erreur si la quantit? d'objets restants est > 0 alors que la liste est vide.

And the errors :
Basic3D.c: In function 'Allocate3DObject':
Basic3D.c:55: error: 'Basic3D' has an incomplete type
Basic3D.c:56: error: request for member 'Exist' in something not a structure or union
Basic3D.c:57: error: request for member 'ID' in something not a structure or union
Basic3D.c:58: error: 'Basic3D' has an incomplete type
Basic3D.c:59: error: request for member 'RGBRed' in something not a structure or union
Basic3D.c:60: error: request for member 'RGBGreen' in something not a structure or union
Basic3D.c:61: error: request for member 'RGBBlue' in something not a structure or union
Basic3D.c:63: error: 'Basic3D' has an incomplete type
Basic3D.c:64: error: incompatible types in assignment
Basic3D.c:66: error: 'Basic3D' has an incomplete type
Basic3D.c:67: error: invalid use of undefined type 'struct Basic3DStructType'
Basic3D.c: In function 'BASIC3D_Destructor':
Basic3D.c:83: error: invalid use of undefined type 'struct Basic3DStructType'
Basic3D.c:85: error: 'Basic3D' has an incomplete type
Basic3D.c:87: error: invalid use of undefined type 'struct Basic3DStructType'
Basic3D.c:88: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
Basic3D.c:90: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
Basic3D.c:90: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
Basic3D.c:92: error: invalid use of undefined type 'struct Basic3DStructType'

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I changed a little but I did not test if it compiles :
/* Structure de Basic 3D qui peut-?tre partag?e pour les donn?es*/
typedef struct {
int B3DObjectAmount;
int *ObjectList;
int *LastCreatedObject;
Basic3DStructType Basic3D;

typedef struct {
BOOL Exist;
int *PreviousObject;
int *NextObject;
int ID;
int Type;
float XPosYPosZPos;
float XRotYRotZRot;
float XScaleYScaleZScale;
int *TextureImage;
BOOL HiddenCullingTransparencyWireFrameFogAmbientLightsFiltering;
float RGBRedRGBGreenRGBBlue;
BOOL IsGhost;
int GhostMode;
int DiffuseAmbienceSpecularEmissiveSpecularPower;
int *DetailMappingImageSmoothingAlphaMappingPercent;

// #include "_SystemIncludes.c"
#include "Basic3D_EngineInformations.c"

/* 0. System functions unavailable to user */
Object3DType *Allocate3DObjectint ObjectID ){                  // is line 49
Object3DType *NewObject IExec -> AllocVecTagssizeofObject3DType ), TAG_DONE );
  if ( !
NewObject ){
// On modifie les param?tres de l'objet 3D fraichement cr?e.
NewObject->PreviousObject Basic3D.LastCreatedObject;
NewObject->Exist 1;
NewObject->ID ObjectID;
NewObject->PreviousObject Basic3D.LastCreatedObject;
NewObject->RGBRed 255;
NewObject->RGBGreen 255;
NewObject->RGBBlue 255;
// On ins?re dans l'avant dernier objet 3D la r?f?rence du nouvel objet 3D.
Object3DType *OldObject Basic3D.LastCreatedObject;
OldObject->NextObject NewObject;
// On ins?re le nouvel objet cr?e dans la structure de Basic3D.
Basic3D.LastCreatedObject NewObject;

void Free3DObjectObject3DType *OldObject ){
  if ( 
OldObject != NULL ){
IExec -> FreeVecOldObject );

void BASIC3D_Constructorvoid ){

void BASIC3D_Destructorvoid ){
// Suppression de tous les objets 3D existants restants.
if ( Basic3D.B3DObjectAmount ){
// On r?cup?re l'objet en m?moire en Basic3D
Object3DType *NewObject Basic3D.LastCreatedObject;
Object3DType *NextToDelete NewObject->PreviousObject;
/*      Free3DObject( *NewObject );*/
*NewObject = *NextToDelete;
     } while ( !
NewObject );
    if ( 
Basic3D.B3DObjectAmount != NULL ){
// Afficher un message d'erreur si la quantit? d'objets restants est > 0 alors que la liste est vide.

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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thank you.

Some errors remain :

Basic3D.c:49: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '*' token
Basic3D.c:71: error: expected ')' before '*' token
Basic3D.c: In function 'BASIC3D_Destructor':
Basic3D.c:83: error: 'Basic3D' undeclared (first use in this function)
Basic3D.c:83: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
Basic3D.c:83: error: for each function it appears in.)
Basic3D.c:85: error: 'NewObject' undeclared (first use in this function)
Basic3D.c:88: error: 'NextToDelete' undeclared (first use in this function)

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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You need a basic C tutorial. I don't think you have understood the structure and pointer thing.

If you define a common structure you don't use "typedef" you just define the structure before the code:
/* first define */

struct MyStruct {
int member1;
int member2;

/* define global vars */
struct MyStruct IamGlobalMyStruct;

/* now code */
void MyFunction(void) {
struct MyStruct IamMyStruct;
struct MyStruct *IamPointingToMyStruct;

IamPointingToMyStruct = &IamMyStruct;

/* now you can access  members of IamMyStruct with "."
      and IamPointingToMyStruct with "->" */


And that's all I'll say to this topic.

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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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But if you use a typedef, you dont need to type

struct MyStruct {int data;};

struct MyStruct someStruct;
struct MyStructsameStruct;
sameStruct = &someStruct;

you can just type:
typedef struct {int data;} MyStruct;

MyStruct someStruct;
sameStruct = &someStruct;

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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Are these statements right :

struct MyStruct {
int member1;
int member2;

Simply define the structure content.

struct MyStruct IamGlobalMyStruct;

Create the structure in memory.

void MyFunction(void) {
struct MyStruct IamMyStruct;

Same, create the structure in memory.

struct MyStruct *IamPointingToMyStruct;

Create a structure pointer

IamPointingToMyStruct = &IamMyStruct;

Modify the pointer we have created to point to our created structure.

and IamPointingToMyStruct with "->" */

And this last explanation is on how to access in the structure component, especially useful for pointers (maybe exclusivelly for pointers)

Right ?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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struct myStruct myVar;
is effectively creating variable myVar of type struct myStruct *but* this is done locally : your variable will only be visible and useable (like in "if you access it elsewhere you'll get a crash") in the current C block.

Using "typedef" can save you typing the reserved word "struct" everytime in front of your structure name, see examples below :
struct myStruct {
int ms_Member1;
int ms_Member2;

struct myStruct myGlobalVar;

void myFunctionstruct myStruct aStruct )
aStruct->ms_Member1 1;

struct myStruct {
int ms_Member1;
int ms_Member2;

typedef struct myStruct Struct_t;

Struct_t myGlobalVar;

void myFunctionStruct_t aStruct )
aStruct->ms_Member1 1;

Finally about pointers beware that only doing :
struct myStruct myPointer;

does *not* create an instance of struct myStruct but only *declaring* a pointer to a struct myStruct. I say that because it's *invalid* (like in "it will crash immediatly if you do it") do write this :
int tmp;
struct myStruct myPointer;

myPointer->ms_member1 1;
tmp myPointer->ms_member2;

Before using a pointer you should tell it where to point,
- First it's (very) good coding practise to initialize every pointer to NULL right after creating them like in
struct myStruct myPointer NULL;
if you don't do that its content is unpredictable (or at best is compiler dependant).
- either allocate a new object by either using ANSI C malloc() either Amiga AllocVec() functions see examples below
struct myStruct myPointer1 = (struct myStruct *) malloc(sizeof(struct myStruct));
struct myStruct myPointer2 = (struct myStruct *) IExec->AllocVecTags(sizeof(struct myStruct),

Sidenote after an allocation it's better to test that allocation did not failed, for this test you pointer is not NULL.
- either initialize with another (valid) variable examples
struct myStruct myVar;
struct myStruct myPointer = &myVar;    // myPointer points to myVar, i.e if I modify
                    // one I'll see same modification onthe other
struct myStruct myPointer2 myPointer;    // myPointer2 is given the same (actual) value as myPointer,
                    // here this makes myPointrer2 to point to myVar

Final note on pointers : you *can't* return a pointer to a local variable following code is bad and will crash
struct myStruct createStructCrash() {
struct myStruct myVar;
myVar.ms_Member1 1;
myVar.ms_Member2 2;

return &
myVar// KO, BAD

You should really consider reading a C tutorial/manual about pointers as this is a bit difficult to understand if you never programmed C-like language before. Once you have understood that concept C is really a matter of fun, with some points of syntax details.

EDIT: reformated to no break the page layout

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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I'm reading a book concerning C but this book is far to be as complete as the explanations I get here in the forums ...

I think I've understood each of your explanations ( I don't hide that I did read them several time to be sure ;) )... The only thing you don't cover is how to return a pointer. You said that I can't return pointer into a local var but how then ?
it's the only missing thing I need I think to cover the pointers principles. In fact, I use the allocvec to create the structure and I want to get the structure pointer back from the creation function to another one
(imagine in fact, I have a function to create the structure and initialize general data inside it and other functions that did create object will call this function to create the structure and they'll modify data to fit the final object specificities)

However, thank you for all these really importants explanations on pointers ... now I understand why much of the remaining errors I get in my code happen and I think I will be able to fix them ... My main error was to think that handling pointers in C was easier ... in fact, it's a bit more complex, but I think you've made an enough clear explanation to allow me to continue on my project.

Kindest Regards,

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I think I've understood each of your explanations ( I don't hide that I did read them several time to be sure ;) )... The only thing you don't cover is how to return a pointer. You said that I can't return pointer into a local var but how then ?
it's the only missing thing I need I think to cover the pointers principles. In fact, I use the allocvec to create the structure and I want to get the structure pointer back from the creation function to another one
(imagine in fact, I have a function to create the structure and initialize general data inside it and other functions that did create object will call this function to create the structure and they'll modify data to fit the final object specificities)

When I was speaking of "local variables" I meant variables that are allocated by the compiler, not the one that you are allocating using either malloc/AllocVec functions. Those are safe to return from a function, because they are valid until you deallocate the corresponding memory using free()/FreeVec() while local variables are automatically freed (or at least not accessible) when you exit the block where it was defined in (try to document yourself on variable's scope (in french "la port?e des variables"))

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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I already know how local/global variables works. No problem on this ;)
It's "pointers" only problem for me ;)
but I see more "clear" now.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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that's not about local/global variable, but rather the fact that a variable is visible in its definiting block (in C blocks are delimited by {}).

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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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if the variable is in a block {...} then the variable is local to this block. if the variable is defined outside blocks ... then it become available from each block of the C code ... this variable is then global ..
Isn't this right ?

I've made changes to my source code using your explanations and now I get no more compiling error :)

Here is the source code :
/* Structure de Basic 3D qui peut-?tre partag?e pour les donn?es*/
struct Basic3DStruct{
int ObjectAmount;
int *ObjectList;
int *LastCreatedObject;
struct Basic3DStruct Basic3D;

struct Object3DStruct{
BOOL Exist;
int *PreviousObject;
int *NextObject;
int ID;
int Type;
float XPosYPosZPos;
float XRotYRotZRot;
float XScaleYScaleZScale;
int *TextureImage;
BOOL HiddenCullingTransparencyWireFrameFogAmbientLightsFiltering;
float RGBRedRGBGreenRGBBlue;
BOOL IsGhost;
int GhostMode;
int DiffuseAmbienceSpecularEmissiveSpecularPower;
int *DetailMappingImageSmoothingAlphaMappingPercent;
typedef struct Object3DStruct Object3DType;

// #include "_SystemIncludes.c"
#include "Basic3D_EngineInformations.c"

//* 0. System functions unavailable to user */
Object3DType *Allocate3DObjectint ObjectID ){                  // is line 49
Object3DType *NewObject IExec -> AllocVecTagssizeofObject3DType ), TAG_DONE );
  if ( !
NewObject ){
// On modifie les param?tres de l'objet 3D fraichement cr?e.
NewObject->PreviousObject Basic3D.LastCreatedObject;
NewObject->Exist 1;
NewObject->ID ObjectID;
NewObject->PreviousObject Basic3D.LastCreatedObject;
NewObject->RGBRed 255;
NewObject->RGBGreen 255;
NewObject->RGBBlue 255;
// On ins?re dans l'avant dernier objet 3D la r?f?rence du nouvel objet 3D.
Object3DType *OldObject Basic3D.LastCreatedObject;
OldObject->NextObject NewObject;
// On ins?re le nouvel objet cr?e dans la structure de Basic3D.
Basic3D.LastCreatedObject NewObject;

void Free3DObjectObject3DType *OldObject ){
  if ( 
OldObject != NULL ){
IExec -> FreeVecOldObject );

void BASIC3D_Constructorvoid ){

void BASIC3D_Destructorvoid ){
// Suppression de tous les objets 3D existants restants.
if ( Basic3D.ObjectAmount != ){
// On r?cup?re l'objet en m?moire en Basic3D
Object3DType *NewObject Basic3D.LastCreatedObject;
Object3DType *NextToDelete NewObject->PreviousObject;
/*      Free3DObject( *NewObject );*/
*NewObject = *NextToDelete;
     } while ( !
NewObject );
    if ( 
Basic3D.ObjectAmount != ){
// Afficher un message d'erreur si la quantit? d'objets restants est > 0 alors que la liste est vide.

Of course, there are changes I must do in this source code but actually it compiles :)

Edited by freddix on 2009/3/3 0:35:42
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

See User information

After a quick read I would say this seems fine, except one thing : you should initialize NewObject->NextObject to NULL in Allocate3DObject() else your BASIC3D_Destructor() won't stop at the last object (because !NewObject might not be true).
I would also recommend you to initialize your Basic3D
object in your BASIC3D_Constructor() like this :
void BASIC3D_Constructorvoid ){
Basic3D.ObjectAmount 0;
Basic3D.ObjectList NULL;
Basic3D.LastCreatedObject NULL;

If it were my code I would probably turn Basic3D into a pointer initialized to NULL, this way I would be able to identify when people had called my BASIC3D_Constructor() or not (by just testing against NULL), this can then look like this :
struct Basic3D BASIC3D_Constructorvoid ){
struct Basic3D NewObject AllocVecTagssizeofObject3DType ), TAG_DONE );
  if ( 
NewObject ){
NewObject.ObjectAmount 0;
NewObject.ObjectList NULL;
NewObject.LastCreatedObject NULL;

EDIT: Oh one potential bug in your Allocate3DObject() please test OldObject against NULL (this is the case when Basic3D list is empty) like this :
// On ins?re la r?f?rence du nouvel objet 3D dans le dernier objet 3D (s'il y en a un)
Object3DType *OldObject Basic3D.LastCreatedObject;
OldObject ) {
OldObject->NextObject NewObject;

EDIT2: in fact your structure is strangely used i guess the code should better look like this :
// On ins?re la r?f?rence du nouvel objet 3D dans le dernier objet 3D (s'il y en a un)
Object3DType *OldObject Basic3D.LastCreatedObject;
OldObject ) {
OldObject->NextObject NewObject;
  } else {
Basic3D.ObjectList NewObject;

EDIT3: AmigaOS has structure and functions to manage linked lists, look at exec.library/AddTail, exec.library/AddHead, etc. and struct List and struct Node.

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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Yeah you're right some of these changes were planed ;)
Concerning BASIC3D_Constructor() the function is not used by users but internal initialisation of the system
there will be both Constructor and Destructor for each set of commands ( Basic3D, Camera, Music, Sound, etc ... )

Thank you.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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freddix wrote:
Yeah you're right some of these changes were planed ;)
Concerning BASIC3D_Constructor() the function is not used by users but internal initialisation of the system
there will be both Constructor and Destructor for each set of commands ( Basic3D, Camera, Music, Sound, etc ... )

Thank you.

When I was speaking of "user" it was on the abstract side : i.e. any code that is using your functions. Anyway if you don't initialize Basic3D in its constructor you would have problems in its destructor (ObjectAmount value is unpredictable if it's not initialized).
Looking at your code maybe that's C++ that you should have learnt instead of C (C++ is an Object Oriented language using C syntax, in fact it's a superset of C).
in c++ you could have written :
// declaration de la classe Object3DClass *sans* definition du code
// cela permet d'utiliser de d?clarer des structures/classes utilisant
// *des pointeurs* Object3DClass alors que la classe n'est pas encore d?finie
class Object3DClass;

// definition de la classe Basic3D
class Basic3DClass {
int        ObjectAmount;
Object3DClass *ObjectList;
Object3DClass    *LastCreatedObject;
Basic3DClass() {
// c'est un constructeur C++, noter qu'il n'y a pas de valeur de retour
ObjectAmount 0;
ObjectList NULL;
LastCreatedObject NULL;

Basic3DClass() {
// Suppression de tous les objets 3D existants restants.
if ( ObjectAmount != ){
// On r?cup?re l'objet en m?moire en Basic3D
Object3DClass *NewObject LastCreatedObject;
Object3DType *NextToDelete NewObject->PreviousObject;
/*      delete NewObject;*/ // <- note voil? comment on efface un objet allou? dynamiquement en c++
*NewObject = *NextToDelete;
      } while ( !
NewObject );
      if ( 
ObjectAmount != ){
// Afficher un message d'erreur si la quantit? d'objets restants est > 0 alors que la liste est vide.
void InsertObject3Dobject3DClass NewObject ) {
NewObject->PreviousObject LastCreatedObject;
// On ins?re la r?f?rence du nouvel objet 3D dans le dernier objet 3D (s'il y en a un)
Object3DType *OldObject LastCreatedObject;
OldObject ) {
OldObject->NextObject NewObject;
    } else {
ObjectList NewObject;
// On ins?re le nouvel objet cr?e dans la structure de Basic3D.
LastCreatedObject NewObject;

// definition de la classe Object3DClass 
class Object3DClass {
BOOL Exist;
Object3DClass *PreviousObject;
Object3DClass    *NextObject;
int ID;
int Type;
float XPosYPosZPos;
float XRotYRotZRot;
float XScaleYScaleZScale;
int *TextureImage;
BOOL HiddenCullingTransparencyWireFrameFogAmbientLightsFiltering;
float RGBRedRGBGreenRGBBlue;
BOOL IsGhost;
int GhostMode;
int DiffuseAmbienceSpecularEmissiveSpecularPower;
int *DetailMappingImageSmoothingAlphaMappingPercent;
Object3DClassint ObjectID ) {
// On modifie les param?tres de l'objet 3D fraichement cr?e.
Exist 1;
ID ObjectID;
RGBRed 255;
RGBGreen 255;
RGBBlue 255;
PreviousObject NULL;
NextObject NULL;

Basic3DClass Basic3D// C++ appel automatiquement le constructeur associ?.

int mainvoid ) {
// on cr?e un object dynamiquement en c++, ce qui appelle automatiquement le constructeur ad?quat
Object3DClass myObject = new Object3DClass);
myObject ) {
Basic3D.InsertObject3DmyObject );


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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
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Quite a regular

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if I'm not wrong, the Amiga OS 4 SDK own a C++ compiler. right ?
I should modify the Makefile to use C++ compiler instead of GCC ?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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yes the AOS4 SDK provides G++.
In c++ source file extension are traditionnally .cpp instead of .c (.h stays even if some used to use .hpp, it's marginal now).

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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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It's what I seemed to see in the SDK folders ...
Now I must find a C++ book to learn :p
but waiting for this, I will probably continue a bit on C...

Are these much differencies between C and C++ ?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: GCC, Dynamic structure creation method ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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C++ is object oriented so you can group data and functions using them in the same structure called a class, you have inheritance, and with it polymorphism. C++ also has templates. You can define visibility protection too (public, protected and private) that's already much interesting things to learn
Contrary to what people think no need to know C before learning C++ (I would even say it can be an drawback to know it before starting C++).

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