I've seen some BlitzBasic code, and it's too confusing for me. I don't know if it can be used straight on AOS4.x, but, it is still being developed.
So is HollyWood, a new version (no. 4) just came out about a week ago.
It's expensive, but the same source code can be compiled to work on AOS4.x, AmigaOS3.x and even WarpOS, AROS, Mac and losedos!!!!
I'd find HollyWood much easier to use if they changed the syntax to imitate AMOS Pro.
It's too bad Amiga is too small for Francois Lionet to come back (he probably made the best Basic in the world), but I dream, someday.....
Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!! How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally. "Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
I'm currently working on the project to create a BASIC language similar to both AmosPRO and DarkBASIC. It's on its start and shouldn't be available before end 2009 (and probably later) ... But I get good progress ...
Nearly all Basic2D command sets work perfectly. Actually all the commands can be used from C/C++ but when I'll get a full complete set of commands, I'll start to work on interpreter and then on compiler ...
If someday you're searching news about it, just look for "AmiDARK Basic OS4" ;)
I will soonly release a small executable demo that'll show Basic2D command set in action.
Kindest Regards,
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
@Fernecho you might consider amiblitz allthough it is 68k, not ppc native but the devs care for os4 and mos compatibility otherwise. it has sorta jungle of commands with all its includes alas, a little difficult to see through.
My query is if exist a BASIC Language for OS 4.x... SDLBasic is the most easy and flexable for me. The only thing that changed for OS4.1 was the composting mode. SDLBasic will work fine in non-composting.
I saw it included includes and that Ba(sic*2)ally sent me running for the hills.
Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!! How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally. "Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
> I saw it included includes and that Ba(sic*2)ally sent me running for the hills. Then you will never make it to a good programmer...
The includes are your friends! You need to understand this. You can also program Ambilitz wihtout includes using blitzlibs. The only difference is that they are loaded on startup, the includes during compile time, but therefor much more modern and OS4-proof.
Then you will never make it to a good programmer...
Hi Wanderer,
Well, I have no hope of writing demos or creating 3D stuff, that's for sure. Nor will I ever create a device driver either.
I want to have fun programming, not spend 6+ hours trying to figure out why 2 commands won't work (and the program was only ~135 lines long at that point!). Quote:
The only difference is that they are loaded on startup, the includes during compile time, but therefor much more modern and OS4-proof.
I don't understand the last part of the sentence. "OS4 proof."
Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!! How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally. "Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
You have a language and its syntax, and it is very easy. It consists only of a very few commands, like While, For..Next, If, = , goto etc.
This is almost the same for every mid and high level language, say C, Basic, AMOS, BlitzBasic, Hollywood.
Now here comes the differences:
In addition to those basic key functionality, the languages have specific commands and functions, and this defines the level ranking of the language.
C has "only" some low level functions like printf, fopen etc. (+ AmigaOS API) found in the clib, while AMOS and BlitzBasic have higher functions like LoadShapes or whatever. And Hollywood might have even higher functions.
And now, from where does the language know the functions? In AMOS or Blitzbasic, all these functions are coded in 68K and loaded as binary on startup.
In contrast to that, the functions from the Amiblitz3 "Includes" are loaded only on demand, because they are not binaries but sourcecode, and you dont want to compile them all.
So if you decide to use commands from the "image.include", you will type
INCLUDE "image.include"
before you go ahead with
image_Load{} image_Blit{}
What includes/functions are available can be browsed or read in the main Guide.
Is this compilcated?
Maybe we should add a detector that automatially includes the right files. But this should really not influence the choise of language.