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Crash logs is mostly useful for developers.
The first thing I check is stack-trace.
The srack trace, starts whit the name of function where it crashed, and tracks back a few steps.
the second thing I look at is the disassembled machine code, normaly crashes on ldz or sdz, lds is load from memory, stz is save cpu register to memory, this not really what I'm looking for.
What I was looking for was the registers in use at point of crash, then I lookup the value from the registers, a zero value is often a bad thing to see.
Now that we know where it crashed, if its zero pointer fault then we know some thing about way, else if its not I will need to do more inquires about way it crashed, if crashed is in a libc function or exec or some other part of the OS, then I can assume that some argument for that function (value/pointer) was bad, the OS in generally is well tested.
If I can't guess what whent wrong based on this information given, then I will put lots of debugprintf() or printf() at last point of crash, to obtain more information.
Edited by LiveForIt on 2009/4/1 2:02:24