1. When uniconifying 53.12 seems to open the parent of the directory that you iconified, although the icon itself shows the correct path.
eg work:webdesign/spider_html
reopens as
or ftp:spidersite/html/
reopens as
Filer seems to work well with ftpmount, except that when there is a preexisting file, the warning requester doesn't report the filename of the file being replaced, just "''".
That could as well be a ftpmount bug but DOpus4 does report the file so it may not be. (unless DOpus4 has a workarround)
3. Lastly Just a tiny tiny winge Could you not snapshot the directory icon in the distribution? I'm only talking about the top level Filer.info icon, I keep haveing to hook it out from under the AmiGS Icon everytime I reinstall to sys:utilities ...
whoa recently it seems many people are using my port of FTPMount despite I only got an handful of feedback. The public FTPMount version has severe limitations and bugs that, for some at least, I have solved on my current dev version, yet there is still an annoying random crash that can occur at startup I still did not found and fixed and that is preventing me from releasing this improved version Given I have less spare time to spend on my AMiga projects than I had before my last summer's son birth (and that at the same time I also took much more commitments that I should reasonably have done) I can't really give any release date... I'm sorry.
Some users report that it happens for them, but it never happens to me. (I have the A1XE 4.1 version)
2. It has nothing to do with ftp mount. This always happens simply because I haven't added localization for all bits yet. When I do that it will resolve itself.
We're waiting for the new version, that's why. Many bugs with ftpmount surfaces when using it with the filer, as long as you only copy/move it works fine however. Except that ftp://username@my.site is extremely painful to use since you have to re-enter the password over and over again.
Except that ftp://username@my.site is extremely painful to use since you have to re-enter the password over and over again.
I tend to set up icons in the ftpmountdir for any site that access regularly by ftp. The avoids the password issue. I still get requesters informing about loggin in, but I'm not unhappy with those.
The main thing ftpmount doesn't do for me is manipulte the filepermissions at the server end. I have to revert to ftp 'proper' for that.
Okey, could be that newer os4.1 versions either sends an event to the window message port or the IDCMPHook gets called when the user doubleclicks the appicon for some reason.
Okey fixed it now. It turns out that newer os4.1 versions (like yours) creates an extra IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS event when deiconifying an appicon. On older 4.1 it doesn't. Fortunately I always get a negative mouse button position when this event is received so it was easy to filter out.
Seems weird that the OS sends the extra event though, it shouldn't imho. Ohh well reported it to an os4 dev.
Yes good point I really hope I'll finally find this random bug, it's annoying to know I have a newer version on my HD that I can't release because of that...
Many bugs with ftpmount surfaces when using it with the filer, as long as you only copy/move it works fine however. Except that ftp://username@my.site is extremely painful to use since you have to re-enter the password over and over again.
Maybe it would be time to setup a bug tracker on os4depot for FTPMount then ? Just to be sure issues won't be lost and would get a chance to be corrected ? In the past I used to have one at http://bugtracker.balaban.fr/ but it wasn't working great with IBrowse and AWeb so my testers were not too devoted at using it
Thank you !! So now anyone with known issues in the public version can add them on this bug tracker.
Oh and is there any plan to add some sort of notification on your bugtracker system in order to let someone know something was added/modifed ? That would be a really great feature.
I noticed that if one drags and drops an icon onto the Filer window, the path of that icon is printed in an IconX output window.
I assume the plan is to have Filer change to that path, which would be nice. But would it also be possible to have the dragged file copied (or moved) to the path currently displayed in Filer if a certain qualifier key is depressed?
#132 Copy the images to sys:prefs/presets/images and it should be fine. Um, I don't know to use the 'copy' in 'Filer'. If I select 'source' and highlight the file, it gets unselected by the time I set destination and see errors. What am I missing besides some IQs?
Don't know exactly what you're trying to do, but anyway:
To copy files there are three available options:
a. 1. Open two listers. 2. Click "set destination" on one of them. 3. Go to the folder where you want to copy your files to in the destination lister 4. Go to the files you want to copy in the other lister 5. select the files in the same lister 6. click copy toolbar button in the same lister
b. 1. Select the files you want to copy 2. Press Ramiga+C (Or select copy in menu) 3. Go to the folder where you want to copy the files 4. Press Ramiga+V (Or select paste in menu)
c. Requires that you have added the copy/cut/paste buttons to the toolbar 1. Select the files you want to copy 2. Click Copy toolbar button. (not copy to) 3. Go to the folder where you want to copy the files 4. Click Paste toolbar button