I'm in the middle of customising my Amiga with new icons etc. and am having great fun doing so, however for the life of me I cannot find where I would change the icon displayed when a USB memory stick or a DVD is put in, or change the icons for JPEGS or MP3's etc.
I thought DefIcons might be the application needed, but looking at it it isn't??
Finally is there a way to set the global opion to NOT hide MP3's and JPEGS by default? I keep having to go into Window - Show - All Files to see them, which is getting a tad annoying.
Sold up all my Amiga gear, not only an Amigan via Amiga Forever!
I'm in the middle of customising my Amiga with new icons etc. and am having great fun doing so, however for the life of me I cannot find where I would change the icon displayed when a USB memory stick or a DVD is put in, or change the icons for JPEGS or MP3's etc.
You have to change the default icons:
For the USB memory stick I would suggest to change the disk icon of the stick (via Information from the icons menu) or change the def_disk icon in the def_icons directory but then all new disks/media will displayed with this icon.
Out of interest, can anyone tell me what DefIcons does in the Prefs draw?? Seems to be about defining file types or something.
DefIcons is the system component that recognizes the types of files and assigns a default tool to those files that do not come with an icon. File type identification is very powerful and flexible, but for a full explanation you will need to look into the documentation (which IIRC should be available on the AOS CD).
You can also change icons using DefIcons. Just double-click the file type, let the icon window appear, drag the new icon over the image of the original icon (in the information window), and save.
@Mason [quote=Mason] You have to change the default icons:
For the USB memory stick I would suggest to change the disk icon of the stick (via Information from the icons menu) or change the def_disk icon in the def_icons directory but then all new disks/media will displayed with this icon. [/quote]
Isn't def_MOUNT.info used for any mounts made? I have def_CD0, def_CD1 etc in my drawer. Creating a def_USB0.info would probably (hopefully) be the default icon for a unit in USB.
jaokim wrote: Isn't def_MOUNT.info used for any mounts made? I have def_CD0, def_CD1 etc in my drawer.
Technically, it's more like def_DEVICE.info. But yes, that's the idea.
Creating a def_USB0.info would probably (hopefully) be the default icon for a unit in USB.
Depending on the USB device, it might be def_USB0C.info (if it has an MBR, more precisely). And of course you might need def_USB1.info and def_USB1C.info etc. as well.
Ah, so *that's* why we haven't seen lots of varieties of device icons yet
Yes, please do! I'll look forward to seeing some USB sticks and similar.
Of course, one problem with this is that e.g. USB0C: can equally well be an external HD, an external DVD writer, a "normal" USB stick, or an adapter for storage cards of varying formats. So even if we have a def_icon which fits one of these categories better (like the image of a memory stick), it won't necessarily fit when we plug in one of the other types.
But maybe you could elaborate on the USB symbol ... you know, those arrows ...
If you mean something like this... I will think about it
Very nice collection indeed!
Now, I may have misunderstood what the above was meant as an answer for, but if it was this: Quote:
But maybe you could elaborate on the USB symbol ... you know, those arrows ...
- then, no, that was not what I meant. I was trying to suggest that you could make some sort of generic USB device icon using the official USB symbol, the one with the three arrows (or rather lines with different ending symbols) emerging from the common stem, as part of the design.