"P.S. I don't think there are ANY keyboard shortcut for the functions I mentioned, so I don't see how I can "learn other ways to do" them (mouse is sooooo slow)."
I was referring to the keyboard navigation that I will implement later on, not any current functionality. That is, when it's added, check if it fulfills your needs.
"DH1: is 11G partition 92% in use, but the fuelguage shows -78%! "
Hmm, that is very odd considering that the datatype used for the calculation is an uint32, which can't result in a negative value.
Could you somehow check how many blocks are used on the partition and how many blocks the partition has in total? That way I can replicate the calculation.
Edit: Btw, why not use a userbutton for cloning in the mean time?
@orgin Thanks for the suggestion of the user buttons. In fact, I dislike using the menus for stuff that I use frequently (which CopyAs/etc would be - probably more often than I use Copy/etc itself!). This suggest to me that all menu options should have button equivalents (think I already requested that).
Here is what I used, in case anyone else wants to set-up the same:
Name: Copy As Help text: Copy As Command: Copy "{f}" "{d}{Rs}" CLONE Image Path: images/copyfile Do all files: TICK Async: no tick Source as home: TICK Quote: no tick
Name: Move As Help text: Move As Command: Move "{f}" "{d}{Rs}" Image Path: images/movefile Do all files: TICK Async: no tick Source as home: TICK Quote: no tick
Name: Duplicate Help text: Duplicate Command: Copy "{f}" "{s}{Rs}" CLONE Image Path: images/fileadd Do all files: TICK Async: no tick Source as home: TICK Quote: no tick
Noticed another one... when using Samba shares, Filer states "No disk in drive SMBFS0" for all accesses. If I click "Cancel", it proceeds nonetheless and the file copy is okay. No real bug, but annoying
Thank you for implenting the reverse source/destination-option!
I have got a couple of questions :
In Dopus magellan 5 there was an option to see all drawers one had accessed lately.. i believe it was done by clicking with the right button on the "root view"-icon. Will something similar be added in Filer ? It is a very nice feature.
Also, would it be possible to let the right scrollbar always start in the top positition whenever you access a new drawer ?
At the moment it sometimes start in the middle. Here is an example.
1) you have lots of drawers and files and have to scroll downwards in order to access the wanted drawer.
2) double-click on the drawer you want to access
3) if the new drawer contains lots of files the scrollbar will start in the middle - so i have to scroll upwards again in order to see the top drwawers/files.
(4) if the new drawer contains only a few files the scrollbare is in its correct position).
you could easily to the test by open your os4.1 partition.. scroll downwards and doubleclick on the prefs-drawer.. then you will see that the scrollbar in not at its top position.
"In Dopus magellan 5 there was an option to see all drawers one had accessed lately.. i believe it was done by clicking with the right button on the "root view"-icon. Will something similar be added in Filer ? It is a very nice feature."
I'll add it to the task list. It's closely related to browse history though.
"Also, would it be possible to let the right scrollbar always start in the top positition whenever you access a new drawer ?"
I left it like that on purpose. sort of a cheap way to get back to the same position when swapping between folders without remembering the position for all folders that you visit.
It's easy to change though if that's what people want.
I would prefer that a newly entered drawer always start at the top. However, if there are enough people who want it otherwise, maybe an option in the preferences could be added.
- Make Left shift + Copy To/Move To ask for new name
- Prefs: Add option for showing sizes in bytes only
- Prefs: Add option for showing seconds in file dates.
- Add toolbar button for Clone
- Prefs: Add toolbar button for Clone
- Add keyboard navigation - Space to enter/leave mode - Single selection - Enter opens current item - Left means parent - Pageup/down/up/down/home/end has special meaning - shift + left/right scrolls - / is parent (both modes) - * is root view (both modes) - insert is new file (both modes)
- Add keyboard selection. Press a key and it'll jump to the first (or next) file that starts with it.
Nice one, thanks for the update! Too bad I won't be able to try it out for at least a fortnight (moving house this week, next week in London). Aaaarrrrgh, can anybody say "Amiga-addicted"?
@origin Keyboard navigation rokz ! Really nice implemention, i use it a lot already :) I also like "instert" for creating new file (btw, can be this configurable ? I.e. for example i use always (on all oses and all file managers shift+f4 for file creating) insert are good, but if it can be configurable will be better i think ?)
Also a suggestion: maybe will be nice also add to config somethink like "enable keyabord navigation by default". It's all of course not so neccessary, but expanded configuration always cool with any app.
And as idea (but i think you will dislike it, but still..) maybe add some kind of options, which will be looks like "dopus4 mode enable/disable", which will be mean the same Filler, only 2 window which are closed and you will can for example navigation files like in dopus4 (i mean press "f5" for copy, and it will be copied to place in which second lister at moment). It can be cool, becouse if user want, he will use it as 'classic' manager style, if not, he can use it as 'modern' manager style. What you think ?
But must to say, your app indeed one of the better os4 apps at the moment. Native, light, fast, stable (i not have crashes with it never (maybe just lucky?:) ).