More "software" from me. It's another baby step, but we're still not quite there yet. I wouldnt bother with the AROS version at the moment (too crashy). I got it to run under Icaros VE 1.1.0, but it wants to die with the latest AROS components. I need to investigate further.
2009-06-23 : Alpha 51
- Fixed non-english characters throughout the program. (or so I hope!)
- The irrelevant field's from incoming message headers aren't displayed
in the chat window anymore. It used to display "Client name" fields,etc
from some people, etc.
- "Chat: Name (" is displayed in Window titlebar now
- The text object used to display the Connection status and when a "New
personal message" is set, is now clipped when the text is too wide
for the window. This will prevent the window from resizing by itself
when you set a new long personal message.
- Bugfix: When a user would add you, and Sabre would prompt you to ask if
you want to "Add them to your own list", the new updated MSNP11 adding
command wasnt properly formatted in Sabre 0.50, and it would just
disconnect you without adding the person.
- Personal messages are remembered when you quit, and set again the next
time you connect
- New option: Display only online contacts in your Contacts List
- New option: "Do not rename contacts locally when they change their names"
I added this because users can often rename themselves, and I often have
no idea who anyone is!
- codesets.library stuff isnt commented out for AROS anymore. And it seems
to work!
- AROS version is still very unstable. Crashes on exit and chat windows
opening sometimes. To be safe, I turned off tabs, and tabswindow, disabled
all the smileys, and set the stack value to a good size in the icon. Seems
better than before, but still not perfect. Isn't alpha software fun!!
Make sure you these icon tooltypes with AROS:
stack size = 250,000