From pure ignorance (and reading your suggestion) I just did that: making a clone of libz.so named libz.so.1 and - hey - it works! (maybe I will find problems later...). I am wondering why I *seem* to be first one reporting this, as the test version might be used by others before me...
Another question: I am not very familiar with the uae world, but there seem to be some kind of Picasso96 emulation inbuild - but what monitor driver should I use to activate it? I suppose my real 68k-Amigas CV64 and PicassoII won't work apparently...
[EDIT: Answering my own question...]
Ha, of course the CGX drivers won't work with Picasso96
- so I am trying to do the right and use "uaegfx.card" with a proper P96 backbone...